Panic and run

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!!!!!!!tw-mention of rape,assault,abuse !!!!!

Y/n woke up the following morning  not realising where she was ,it took her a moment to adjust to the scenery which she thought was her room but until she felt an arm around her wait ,she looked across and almost passed out

She saw Silco asleep beside her ..naked and so was she ,the memories soon hit y/n about the events of last night ..she had sex with her best friend and not that he was drunk ... oh no.. oh no she couldn't have ...she knew what that meant ...Silco was drunk ... uncontrollable ,she knew when someone gets drunk and agree on something they might regret ..there's an awful consequence

Her thoughts soon got interrupted by a groggy voice
"Morning sunshine..."
Y/n stayed silent
"Not a morning person ay.. twins!... what's..wrong ?"
"I need to leave .."
y/n spoke quickly before getting out of silcos bed and started to gather her things ,Silco following along behind he asking her questions ,like what's wrong? Where is she going ? Why was she acting strange ?
Y/n went to grab the door handle before turning around to face Silco
" you were drunk .. I raped you!"
"No you didn't .. and it was just sex..."
Y/n heart fell out of her ass , she tried to hold back her was just sex? Is that how he really felt about her she was some toy and use her ... how could she be so foolish

"Y/n .. I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.. darling.."
" don't call me darling..don't call me anything.. I don't want to see you ever again.."
and with that y/n left the room,left the bar no left the whole undercity and went back home

Y/n walked along the Corridor..her vison all blurry due to her tears that hd been shed ,how could she been so foolish
Y/n bumped into someone fimilar
"Y/n are you alright" vanders voice spoke
"Yeah couldn't been better.."
"You don't look better ..did something happen to you!?"
"No van . It's -it's just .. I want to be left alone .. please"
" I will but y/n you need to tell me what's wrong .. I'm your friend ,I care for you and I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. Please tell me what's wrong .."
Y/n sighed knowing vander won that argument, she began explaining the whole situation about her and Silco and when she finished she just sat there sobbing

"Y/n .. Silco is just .. not in the right mind at the moment..we'll he never was .. he- he has it rough,. You know being abused and assaulted in many different ways.. so maybe this is a big moment for him.. but he has this shield around him like an extra layer of skin to make him look tough .. so he won't get taken advantage for again.. trust me he didn't mean to say that.."

He was probably right
"Tell me vander what do you mean abused and assaulted"
Y/n curious spoke wanting to know more if silcos life before knowing her

"Well it all started when-"

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