Its only us ..

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Tw- mention of death, break down .. probably more
Y/n spent the next couple of days trying to sort out with the council on how she was trying to take over piltover and become their new leader

Y/n finally reached back to her wing of the kiramman house ,
But when y/n reached her door she heard sobbing from the other side of the door
"It's ok mr Silco .. the doctors couldn't help they said .."
"I know jinx I know but how am I gonna tell y/n.., That our son ... is ... dead..."
That was all y/n needed to hear before she fell to the ground crying, Marcus was on duty when he saw y/n in a state he ran to her falling beside y/n holding her tight

"Shhhh what's wrong?"
"The baby... is dead!"
Y/n bawled .. while Silco stood over his wife and her friend before storming off to god knows where leaving jinx with y/n
After a while y/n finally got the courage and strength to go to the hospital alongside Marcus for extra comfort...

They arrived at the hospital to be greeted by a swarm of doctors leading her to the tiny room where once her child was kept ..
Y/n couldn't bring herself to go into the room, just as yesterday she was smiling and giggling along with her husband at their small child .. he seemed fine yesterday.. how did this happen ?

Months passed and y/n kept herself in her room , not attending her own fathers and child's funeral.. she tried but the pain she had was unbearable .. Silco hadn't bothered to see if y/n was ok and that hurt y/n even more
Sevika came and took jinx so y/n could be by herself but Marcus stayed with y/n until she felt better

For the first time y/n left her room ,the whole house was shocked to see her .. she looked at ease .. the bags under her eyes were gone and her eyes weren't as puffy from all the crying as before

Y/n just smiled and waved while heading to the councils hall where she agreed to take over both piltover and zaun
But they had other news for her .. Silco was planing to flood the undercity with shimmer and take over it ...
That was it !

Y/n left the councils hall and went straight towards zaun ,destined to find where Silco Was hiding , on her way down there she ran into jinx and jinx took her to their little hideout well it wasn't a hide out he was in the fucking last drop
What was he thinking!?

Jinx lead y/n upstairs to the flat that she once remembered,y/n passed silcos old room where shit went down in , y/n covered her face in embarrassment and kept on walking till they reached a door at the end of the long hallway , vanders dads office

Jinx knocked on the door before they both heard Silco say to come in ,in which they did

The room was messy had papers and documents everywhere, cigarettes butts all over the table while empty alcohol bottles spread everywhere as well along with boxes of clothes
"Jinx out!"
The girl simply nodded and left closing the door behind her
"So .. couldn't even attend to our child funeral why is that?!"
"Look darling I'm sorry I'm just not in the right place for this maybe another time I came for something else.."

"And what is that?"
"For you to step down!"
"Excuse me? Step down ! I've spent months picking up pieces you couldn't ! Watched our child be buried without my own wife being there for support,left to defend for myself and this child all alone while you had that stupid enforcer and family there for guidance.. I've spent weeks trying to keep myself from drinking myself to death all for that child .. and now when I'm finally getting the taste of happiness your asking me to step down.. I'm sorry honey but no!"

Y/n never knew what was effecting Silco ... but now she knew ... how could she be so selfish.. her husband needed her but she kept herself from him .. and now look at him, the same way she found him... a mess

"Silc I'm so so sorry .. I never thought about what the effects have on you aswell please ... forgive me?"
"Of course my dear ... it's only us after all..."

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