Chapter Six - Reconciliation in Karuizawa

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I stood out in the open air breathing in the smell of the lush roses in the back garden of a pension owned by Haruhi’s father’s friend Misuzu. Haruhi had invited me to come with her to Karuizawa, so that we could spend some time together without the boys. Rikan had a soccer tournament with the Ouran soccer club so he’d be away for most of the summer; therefore I didn’t feel too bad coming here. Dad was still way which worried me greatly considering it has been a little over a month and we still haven’t heard anything from him. “Misuzu gave me this stuff for us to hang up.” Haruhi said as she joined me out back. “Okay! Thank you for bringing me Haruhi, it brings back good memories.” I said as I grabbed hold of one of the bed sheets. “You’ve been here before?” She asked. “Yes, when I was really little. My mother and father used to bring me here a lot before Rikan was born.” I said as I smiled to myself. Karuizawa was the only place where I remember my mother to be normal and sober. It was strange coming here without her or my father. “I feel bad for not telling the boys we are here.” Haruhi admitted as she took hold of some laundry. “The twins invited me to Bali.” I said. Haruhi laughed and said “Honey and Mori – Sempai invited me to Switzerland!” We both laughed hysterically and knelt down in the grass. “Don’t rich people know that people like us don’t have passports?” Haruhi and I had become very close over the last few weeks and I am glad that we have this time to spend together. It was rare for us to ever have some time to ourselves what with the host club always pestering us. The wind suddenly picked up blowing our laundry off its hanger. “Ah!” I exclaimed as I ran after it. “Aki! Haruhi!” I heard Tamaki’s voice yell. I looked up and saw a helicopter hovering directly above us. “What is going on?” Haruhi groaned. Looks like our summer was just about to get a whole lot more complicated…

“Who are these marvelous boys?” Misuzu asked as he awed at the boys. “He’s a crossdresser too?” I heard Hikaru mumble to Kaoru. “These are our friends from Ouran.” Haruhi replied. “Oh how wonderful! So good looking too!” “It is a pleasure to finally meet you Misuzu.” Kyoya said as he shook Misuzu’s hand. “Oh, you’re even more polite than Ranka told me you’d be. By the way, do you all like the aprons Aki and Haruhi are wearing? I made them myself!” Misuzu said proudly. The boys all gave a thumbs up and complimented Misuzu’s handywork. I rolled my eyes and turned to go and make us some tea. I pulled out some Ginori tea cups and started the kettle on boil. “Aki, we are all going to sit out on the porch set, do you mind bringing the tea out?” Haruhi asked as she poked her head into the kitchen. “No, I’ll be out in a few minutes.” I said to her. “Okay!” She said as she disappeared from the door way. I wonder what brought the host club to come all the way out to Karuizawa? It is like them to pry but I would have thought they would have all left on their foreign getaways by now. “Do you need help carrying that out?” I turned and stood face to face with Kyoya. “Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.” He leaned against the countertop across from me and stared at me intently. “Is there something you’d like to say Kyoya – Sempai?” I asked. “No, not particularly.”  I sighed and put the dishes on two separate trays. I handed him one and then followed him out of the kitchen with the other. I put the platter in front of Haruhi so she could begin handing out the little confectionaries and the tea to the others. Something out of the corner of my eye suddenly caught my attention. I watched as the sunlight danced off something in Kyoya’s pocket. I grimaced then leaned against Haruhi’s chair. “What are hiding from me Kyoya – Sempai?” “I wouldn’t hide anything from you Aki.” Kyoya said simply as he set his tray down on the table. I swiftly pounced over the table and knocked Kyoya out onto the grass. “No fighting! No fighting!” Tamaki yelled as he came over to try and pry me off Kyoya. “Dammit what are you hiding?” I growled as I pinned his arms down. The twins popped over and restrained Kyoya’s arms for me so that I could fetch the thing in his pocket. Kyoya thrashed and tried to throw me off of him, but failed miserably and ended up kicking Tamaki in the face. “Got it!” I exclaimed as I hopped off him and ran to hide behind Mori. “Mommy that hurt!” Tamaki cried as Haruhi hurried over to take care of his bleeding nose. Kyoya easily pushed the twins off him and started to chase after me. “Takashi – Sempai! Don’t let the dark lord eat me!” I screamed, using the twins term for Kyoya. Mori automatically stood up and stopped the incoming boy from getting to me. I looked down at the CD in my hands and when I inspected it closely I realized that. . . “Where the hell did you get this?” I asked angrily as I lunged at Kyoya. The twins grabbed my arms and held me back from killing Kyoya. “This is personal stuff Kyoya! What did you do go rummaging through my bag?” “Don’t worry yourself too much my dear. I haven’t listened to it yet.” Kyoya said calmly. “What is it Aki – Chan?” Honey asked as he pulled on my sleeve. I instantaneously calmed down and took a deep breath. “Let’s just say I tend to sing what I feel.” I told him as the twins slowly let me go. “You sing?” Kaoru asked. “Yeah. . . It helps me vent off some things.” I said as I opened the CD and snapped the disk in half. I threw it at Kyoya then went to sit with Tamaki and Haruhi. “Mommy, you really shouldn’t be prying through our daughters things.” Tamaki scolded as he removed the cloth he was holding to his nose. “He’s just pissed because I won’t tell him about my past. It’s killing him on the inside I can tell.” I said as Honey slipped into the chair beside me, pulling a large piece of cake towards us so that we could share. I picked up a fork and took a bite of the vanilla cake. “I’m sorry that . . .” Tamaki said, starting to apologize for Kyoya. “No, let’s just move past it okay? Kyoya – Sempai, my dear has to learn how to trust people, and learn that not all information comes from prying in places where he shouldn’t be. Besides I should be the one apologizing, you’re the one who got hit.” Tamaki waved his arms around dramatically and shooed me away from touching his swollen nose. “Why were you not answering your cell phone?” Hikaru asked as he and Kaoru came to sit down with us. “Hmm? Oh, I must have forgotten to turn it on. I have it here.” I said as I pulled it out of my apron. I turned it on and waited to see what kind of messages I’d missed. “Good cake.” Honey said to himself as he took another ginormous bite. “Aki made it this morning.” Haruhi said as she passed me a cup of tea. “Really? It’s extraordinarily delicious!” Honey exclaimed. “We want some too!” The twins and Tamaki exclaimed. “Okay! Geez, can’t you guys serve yourselves?” I said annoyingly as I cut them each a piece of cake. “So why exactly are you guys here?” Haruhi asked. “We were worried about you guys! You both disappeared off the side of the earth and daddy was worried sick!” Tamaki said. “Yeah, obviously worried enough to leave me twenty text messages and five voicemails” I said. Haruhi laughed and took my phone out of my hands. She scrolled through the worry messages and rolled her eyes at what she read. “How about we stay in Karuizawa with you guys?” Tamaki suggested. I watched as Haruhi’s face drained completely of its colour, she looked as though she was going to get sick. “Yes, besides; oversea travel is so tiresome.” Kyoya said. “We’re going to see each other when the new semester starts though. Can’t Aki and I spend the summer the way we want to?” Haruhi asked. “Yes, that is true, but we can spend our summer the way we want too.” Tamaki replied cunningly. I couldn’t argue that point, his logic made as much sense as Haruhi’s. “Karuizawa seems much nicer than Switzerland.” Honey said happily. “Hm.” Mori sighed. I took another bite of cake then pushed myself away from the table. “I have to go now, see you all later.” I said as I started to leave. “Wait! We just got here! Where are you going?!” Tamaki yelled. “I have to go meet some old friends of mine. You all can tag along if you want.” I said to them. “Yay! Let’s go!” The twins chorused together. “Alright then, come on Haruhi you too!” I said as I held my hand out to her. She gladly took it and followed me out the door.

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