Chapter 19

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We meet back up with Kristoff and Sven and all begin looking for the missing snowman. We're walking together calling his name and looking all around but there's no sign of him until we hear him laugh followed by the sound of raging winds. 

We all turn to look and see a twisting tornado scooping up leaves, sticks and... Olaf.

"Olaf!" Anna yells. We all run towards the tornado, which in hindsight, was not the best idea. The tornado comes straight for us and scoops us all up in its powerful winds. Me and Anna scream. Sven bellows in fear. 

Inside the rushing wind, we find Olaf, "Hey guys." He waves to us, "Meet the wind spirit." 

We all yelp as we're tossed around. Anna spins around rather quickly and holds her stomach, "Woah, I think I'm going to be sick."

Olaf floats past her as just a head, "I'd hold your hair back but I can't find my arms." I notice his arms are stuck to the back of his head. Sven and Kristoff run into each other. Kristoff ends up galloping like a reindeer with Sven appearing to be on top looking very confused. The wind whips my cloak around and I tumble towards Elsa. We knock into each other and I try to grab her hands but the wind thrusts me away rather harshly. I spin around again only to see a rather large tree branch coming my way. I hold up my arms to cover my head to protect myself from the blow. I see a blast of ice and the branch is knocked off course. 

I turn to give Elsa a grateful smile. She nods before I hear chittering and a group of leaves appear to be pulling at her hands. She tries to shake them off but they're strangely persistent. "Hey. Get off."

The wind spins Anna, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven into a more concentrated circle before dropping them on the ground. The wind spins me towards Elsa and this time we're able to grab hands. I grip her hand tight in mine and I swear I felt something. A shift in with the wind spirit, however, I can not ponder it long because the wind becomes more violent and concentrates around us like a sphere. Elsa pulls me into a tight hug, "Hold on to me." She says. I nod and hold tight. 

Elsa uses her magic to force the wind away from us. We land on the ground but the wind is still persistent. Elsa strains against the wind. I close my eyes and hug Elsa tighter afraid that if my grip loosens I will be swept away. In my mind's eye, I see three children giggling. One of them looks like a blonde Arendelle prince. The scene changes to swords clashing and a king of Arendelle charging into battle drawing his sword. I see the young prince scream for his father as the king falls off a cliff.

When I open my eyes I see that the same thing I was seeing in my mind was playing on the ice and wind. Finally, Elsa defeats the wind and the forest goes quiet. We both breathe heavily. I let go of Elsa and place my hand on her cheek, "Are you okay?" I ask. 

She nods, "I'm fine. Are you?"

"I think so." We look around and see strange statues of ice. Before I can ponder any longer Anna comes running over and hugs us both, "Are you two okay?"

We both nod but don't look at her. Our gazes are drawn to the statues. I grab Elsa's hand and we walk over to one of the statues, one of a horse rearing. I place my hand on the cool leg. "They look like moments in time." I say. 

Elsa nods in agreement as she strokes the horse's cheek. 

"What's that thing you say Olaf?" Anna asks.

"That thing... oh!" Olaf pulls away from the ice statue of fire where he was "warming" his hands and walks toward us, "My theory of advancing technology is both our savior and our doom?"

"No. Not that one. The one about..." 

"The one about cucumbers?" Olaf asks.

"No. The one about water." Anna says.

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