Chapter 2

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(Y/n) POV

I noticed immediately that there were less servants about the castle. But the biggest change was that the windows were closed and locked along with the castle gates. No one was allowed in.

The most heartbreaking change though was that Elsa had shut me and Anna out. As a servant I was still allowed to see her every once and a while. When I'm not helping Elsa I'm with Anna trying to make things as normal as possible for the young princess. But I could tell that she was confused and heartbroken at the fact that Elsa was always shut behind her locked room door.

I'm walking through the halls with a stack of towels when Anna runs past me excitedly. She giggles, "It's snowing (Y/n)!"

I look out the window to see it is indeed snowing. Anna grabs my arm and pulls me in the direction of Elsa's room. I shriek as the towels drop from my hands. "Wait Anna!"

She smiles happily and knocks on Elsa's door. "Elsa?" She does a special little knock. "Do you want to build a snowman? Come on let's go and play. I never see you anymore. Come out the door.~" I look down as Anna peeks under the door. "It's like you've gone away.~"

Memories of me and Anna playing by ourselves in the big empty ballroom fill my mind. "We used to be best buddies, and now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.~" Anna says in my memory.

Anna stands back up and peeks through the keyhole. "Do you wanna build a snowman?~" She puts her mouth to the keyhole. "It doesn't have to be a snowman.~"

"Go away Anna." Elsa calls sadly. I frown and Anna looks down sadly.

"Okay bye.~" She slumps as she walks away.

A week later I knock on Elsa's door and enter. "It's me." I say softly. I set the washed dress on Elsa's bed. Elsa sits by the window looking longingly out. She places her hand on the windowsill and it covers in frost. She gasps and jumps back in fear. "It's okay, Elsa. You'll get it under control I believe in you."

The king enters with a pair of light blue gloves. I curtsy low. They stand before the fire as the king puts them on her hands. "The gloves will help. See?" He puts his hand over hers. "Conceal it."

"Don't feel it." Elsa says.

"Don't let it show." They say at the same time.

I frown. I want to speak out but it is not my place. I'm just a servant girl.

Years pass and Elsa continues to fear herself and her powers. I'm with Anna again as she knocks on Elsa's door. Anna's hair is done in two braids that lay on her shoulders. I did them after she asked me. "Do you want to build a snowman? Or ride our bike around the halls? I think some company is overdue..." Me and Anna run through the halls. She jumps and lays on a cushioned bench under a painting of Joan of the arc. "I've started talking to the pictures on the wall. Hang in there Joan."

We go to the library where we lay side by side in front of the grandfather clock. "It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms. Just watching the hours tick by." Anna clicks her tongue as she watches the gold dial swing. I laugh slightly at her faces.

A few days later I'm standing next to the queen as the king approaches Elsa. The corner behind Elsa is covered in frost and ice. She holds out her hands. "I'm scared. It's getting stronger." She cries.

The king steps closer to Elsa. "Getting upset will only make things worse. Calm down." He says softly.

Elsa pulls back. "No! Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you."

The king backs up and stands next to the queen. They share a look of sadness. I look at Elsa sadly. I take a careful step forward. "Elsa, it's okay." I say softly.

"Don't." Her eyes widen in fear.

"I'm not scared of you Elsa. You won't hurt me. I know you won't." I take another step closer. "It's okay. Breathe." Elsa takes a shaky breath. I nod. "That's it." I step forward and take her hand in mine. I smile as Elsa relaxes. My heart pounds but I don't know why.

Years pass and Elsa's powers grow. I walk with my mother towards the king and queen. I turn as give her a hug. "I'll miss you." I say. She kisses my forehead.

"I'll be back." As the queen's personal servant and best friend, my mother is going with them on their journey.

I walk with my mother and the royals down the hall.

Elsa is there. She curtsies, a look of fear and sadness on her face. "Do you have to go?" She asks.

"You will be fine, Elsa." The king reassures.

I walk over and stand next to Elsa and offer her a soft smile. "It"ll be okay. I'm still here with you. So is Anna." Elsa gives me a small smile and we watch as her parents and my mother walk out of the castle.

Weeks later we get news that the royal's ship went down in a storm. There were no survivors. I stand among the crowd dressed in black mourning for the loss of the king and queen. After their ceremony I walk to my mother's headstone and kneel down. Tears stream down my face. "Rest well mother." I say as my fingers trace her name carved on the stone.

Anna joins my side and we hug each other tight. Eventually we make it back to the castle. I say my goodbye to Anna and head to my room. I lay on the bed. I can only imagine how Elsa feels.

I change out of my wet, dirty clothes and put on a slightly warmer dress. The castle is dark with mourn. Anna has gone to her room now.

I knock on the door. "Elsa?" Silence. "Please I know you're in there. People are asking where you've been. They say have courage and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you. Just let me in." The door creaks open softly and I slip in. The room is covered in ice and frost. Snow falls from the ceiling. I see Elsa's tear stained cheeks and I pull her into a hug while rubbing circles on her back.

"Everything will be okay, Elsa. I promise." We sit together on her bed. Elsa cries on my shoulder until eventually she falls asleep. With her even breaths the room slowly thaws. I lay my head on Elsa's head and I hug her close. My heart pounds in my chest and a soft blush coats my cheeks. I fall asleep on the bed next to Elsa.

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