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Sophie and Elizabeth went outside of the castle to get a fresh air.

Sophie looked at the view while Elizabeth looked at the view then to the castle. Turnip head found his way to the two ladies.

"Hi Turnip head, this is not going to be easy" Sophie said

"Even in the beginning it was never easy" Elizabeth added

The two laughed together, oh how they miss this moment. Where they just laugh their problems away.

Elizabeth went back first to go to Howl's room.


Elizabeth knocked on the door of the room to see how is Howl.

"Come in!" Howl cheerfully replied

Elizabeth goes inside to see Howl sitting on the bed observing a ring.

"What made you so happy in this early morning?" Elizabeth asked

"You, you are the reason" Howl replied

Elizabeth looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't believe me?" Howl asked as he stood up and starting to make his way to Elizabeth.

"W-what are you doing?" Elizabeth stuttered

Howl's lips met Elizabeth's lips, they are kissing. Sharing their first kiss after years of waiting for each other. Howl took the lead in the kiss, making Elizabeth blushed.

"I have been waiting to do this, my love" Howl said

"Though I have unintentionally forgotten you, but my feelings for you remain the same through out the years" Elizabeth replied

Howl wanted a cuddle session but Elizabeth informed him that she have to help the others in removing the plane on the living room.

"Aw, fine. But come back soon, my love" Howl said

"I will, love" Elizabeth replied

Elizabeth goes downstairs to help the others in removing.

Markl, Heen, and Turnip head are outside to pull the plane while Elizabeth and Sophie are inside to push the plane. Calcifer's job is to open the mouth wider.

"We are ready!" Markl said

"Calcifer, open wider!" Sophie commanded

While Sophie and Elizabeth are pushing the plane, the boys outside are pulling too. Calcifer did some job too, he try to pull himself so that the others will have a easy job.

Sophie kicked the plane in annoyance making the plane turn on again. The plane went off and the group outside the castle run away from the raging plane, eventually the plane broke off and spilled it's oil.

The scarecrow, Markl and Heen played a little outside and Sophie sweep the floor while Elizabeth watch them like a proud mother.

"Come on in! It's time to eat!" Sophie shouted

The witch is being feed by Sophie while the witch is looking at Calcifer who is hiding from the witch.

"Come on? You want some more?" Sophie asked

"Don't feed her, she's the witch of the waste!" Calcifer exclaimed

"She's alright, she doesn't have her magic anymore" Elizabeth said

"She keeps starring at me and it's creeping me out" Calcifer replied

"What a pretty fire" The witch said

Elizabeth sit near Calcifer to catch up with each other.

Howl run downstairs to greet everyone.

"Howl, hello" Sophie greeted

"Good morning everyone!" Howl greeted back

"Glad you're home" Elizabeth said

"Master Howl! Can we keep this dog?" Markl asked

"The witch of the waste and Sulliman's dog at my table? What possess you to let them in my house Calcifer?" Howl jokingly asked

"I did not let them in! Sophie maybe with Bethy crashed landed their plane on my face" Calcifer replied

Howl laughed at the statement.

Sophie looked at Elizabeth who looked embarrassed. Howl went towards Turnip head.

"Looks like we have another addition to the family!  You seem to have nasty spell on you too huh? Looks like everyone in this family got problems" Howl said

Elizabeth went beside Howl and Howl snake his hand on her waist and pulled her closer.

"So! We have a lot of work to do, we're moving!" Howl informed

"We're moving? That's good, I'm so sick of being stuck of middle of nowhere" Markl said

Elizabeth felt the grip of Howl tighten a bit but not enough to hurt her, indicating he would not let go not yet.

"Madame Sulliman is hot on our trail, so we got to hurry" Howl informed

Howl then looked back at Turnip head.

"I'm afraid your spell is too strong for this move, you going to stay behind" Howl added

Turnip head agreed on staying behind.

Elizabeth along with Markl and Howl drew a mark on the ground.

"There it is done! Alright, Calcifer line her up!" Howl commanded

The three went back inside and Howl started to draw a another mark.

"There that should do it, sit tight for a second" Howl said

Howl went to grab Calcifer with a tool. Calcifer have told Howl to be gentle with him after all he is still a fragile fire once splash of water he could die out.

"On my mark" Howl said as he positioned himself

Elizabeth is always amaze by this spell.

Howl sent the signal and the castle started to change. Once the spell is done the surrounding completely change.

Sophie and Elizabeth found themselves in a familiar place.

"Moving is done, you all can get down now" Howl informed

Markl got down following behind is Heen.

"This is great master Howl, it's huge!" Markl said as he run around the house

The witch of the waste is still looking at the fire known as Calcifer.

"Sophie, this is" Elizabeth said as she find herself starring at a familiar place

"I added a bathroom since our family is growing" Howl said

Howl went away, he is too excited for his own good. Elizabeth smiled at the excitement of her dear lover.

"Come over here, Eliza!" Howl called

Elizabeth went to Howl to see what he is going to show her.

"I added another bedroom too! Have a look" Howl said

Howl opened the bedroom and it's Sophie's work place when the she make hats.

"Sophie! Your work place, come quick!" Elizabeth shouted

Sophie went to Elizabeth to look at the bedroom, and the lady Hatter is in awe.

"It's still the same but with bed" Sophie said

"Yeah, same old stool that you always sit at and the same view you never really grow tired of" Elizabeth added

Howl listened to Elizabeth's storytelling, so that he could at least know what kind of friendship blooms between Sophie and his lover.

"Do you two like it?" Howl asked

"Of course, it's perfect for Sophie who is busy with making hats" Elizabeth replied

"Yep" Sophie added

Howl informed Sophie and Elizabeth that they got new clothes but Elizabeth could open hers later on.

Childhood [ H.J Pendragon x OC ]Where stories live. Discover now