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"Please don't hold back against them, they're harmless" the man said

"Thank you" Elizabeth replied

"Where to? I will be you two's escort" the man added

Tall blond man with blue eyes stand beside Elizabeth is looking at her and awaits for her answer.

Sophie saw this scene then she smirks. She have a brilliant tease for Elizabeth later on.

"O-oh..we are really just going to Cesari's" Elizabeth replied after collecting herself

The man have told the two to act normal since he is being followed. Elizabeth wonders who is following the handsome wizard.

Howl? Is howl in town?

Elizabeth remembers what have her co-worker said. But she shrug it off after all this man is nice most likely the rumors were fake.

The two best friends hold each other's hand for reassurance.

As the trio walks through the alleyway, blob men with hat started to appear.

"Eek!" Elizabeth let out as she weirded out by the creature.

Howl apologizes for involving two ladies in his matter.

"This way" Howl said as he leads the two ladies.

The three turn left as Howl said. The three got cornered by the blob men.

"Hold on" Howl said as he snake his arm around Elizabeth's waist while Howl hold Sohphie's hand.

The three fly up to the air and Howl was kinda walking in place waiting for the two ladies.

"Now, straighten your legs and start walking"

The three started to walk. Elizabeth on the right and Sophie on left. Howl guided the two while holding their hands.

"See? Not so hard"

The two ladies getting the hang of walking in the air.

"You two are natural"

Elizabeth wondered how much ladies does the man with them have on his trail.

The three reached the balcony of the bakery. Howl put the two ladies down gently.

"I will make sure to draw them off, wait here until the coast is clear"

Elizabeth blushed at the view of the man. Sophie noticed it and cannot wait to tease her best friend.

"O-okay" Elizabeth managed to say despite the blush.

"That's my girl" Howl said and peck the back of the hand of Elizabeth before leaving.

Howl jump off the balcony which surprised the two ladies. The two looked over the balcony to see Howl but to their surprise he is not there.

"Is it a dream?" Sophie asked

"Certainly not" Elizabeth replied

Lettie who is busy in her shop due to the men who is there for her and tries to ger her attention by buying her chocolate.

"They what?!" Lettie exclaimed and immediately took off to where her sister and dear friend are.

Lettie runs to where they are.

"Sophie?! Beth?! Why you two float down the balcony?" Lettie asked the two

"So it did happened" Elizabeth said

"It wasn't a dream" Sophie added

"Lettie would you like to use my office?" Asked one of the male

"I should really go back to work, thank you though" Lettie answered back

The three walk and sit on the room that is full of boxes. Boxes of ingredients for the chocolates.

"Wow! He must be a wizard then?" Lettie said

"But he was so kind to us" Sophie replied

"And he rescued us too" Elizabeth added

"Of course he did! He's trying to steal you two's hearts!" Lettie argued back

"You two must be so lucky, if that wizard is Howl. He would have eaten it" Lettie added

"No he wouldn't, Howl only do that to beautiful girls. And after all, that man have his eyes on Beth." Sophie said

"Don't you say that!" Lettie and Elizabeth said at the same time.

"Don't give me that, you two need to be more careful and it's dangerous out there." Lettie said

"Even the witch of the waste is back at the prowl" Lettie informed the two

Sophie listened but Elizabeth drifted off to her imagination land.

"Hey? Beth! Are you listening?" Lettie asked Elizabeth

"H-huh?" Elizabeth replied

Lettie and Sophie sighed as they know that their best friend is definitely catching feelings for that wizard ealier.

One of the workers informed Lettie about the finished chocolate éclairs.

Sophie and Elizabeth let Lettie know that they must be going. As they just want to know if Lettie was doing fine.

The three went outside.

"Sophie? Elizabeth? Are you two really going to spend your lives in that hat shop?" Lettie aske

"The shop means a lot to papa and besides I'm the eldest" Sophie replied

"Yep and your papa trust me to guide Sophie" Elizabeth added

Of course Sophie and Elizabeth departed with Lettie scolding the two about what they want.

The two walked away from the shop to the station.

Meanwhile, in a pink carriage. A cane appeared with a gold cup. The cane tap the lid of the cup and the blob men goes inside the cup.

Elizabeth bid Sophie farewell.

"Sophie! Be careful out there, see you tomorrow!" Elizabeth said

"See you tomorrow too! And be safe there!" Sophie replied

Elizabeth went to her house.

"I'm home" Elizabeth said

No greetings after all she is all alone now after that accident happens. She does not remember anything.

The doctors only inform her that her parents are no more. She did not even cry or feel any emotion, after all she does not even recognized the two people.


The door flung open

"What a shabby house" the new voice said

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Elizabeth asked

"You look dead to me" the new voice added

"Well then, I don't care. You can leave the house now" Elizabeth replied

At the distance, a man with blonde hair observed the two interact.

Luckily I put a protection spell on her.

The man thought to himself.

I can't lose her after all the searching.

Back to the house of Elizabeth

The woman dressed back goes through her. But to the woman disappointment, nothing happened.

"H-huh?" Elizabeth was confused

"Strong protection spell, you have there" the woman said

"You have protected yourself from the witch of waste" the witch informed with that she left.

Elizabeth's vision started to black out.

"W-what is happening? I need to get to Sophie" Elizabeth said


Elizabeth fainted.


Howl goes inside of the house by going through the open window.

"I found you" Howl sweetly said

Childhood [ H.J Pendragon x OC ]Where stories live. Discover now