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"Sophie what did you do?" Markl asked

"She almost put me out! I hope you know that if I die, Howl die" Calcifer replied

"But you're alright, now stop bothering me. I have a job to do"  Sophie said

Sophie proceed to go in front of the stairs but Markl stopped her as he wanted to let Sophie know that his room is saved for the last.

Sophie went to the bathroom which she find disgusting due to its lack of cleanliness.

Sophie opened the window and find the castle moving.

"Calcifer?! Calcifer?! Are you the one who is moving the castle?!" Sophie asked

Calcifer replied saying yes and he is the one who is doing all the work. Sophie complimented Calcifer saying that she like his spark.

Elizabeth woke up and goes downstairs to let Sophie clean the upstairs.

"Bethy! Sophie said she likes my spark!" Calcifer said

"Well? Congratulations, I guess?" Elizabeth replied

Calcifer got excited by the compliment of Sophie.

Elizabeth excused herself and followed Sophie who is in the balcony.

Elizabeth saw how much beautiful the world is.

"How beautiful" Elizabeth said

Markl is with them and is standing by one of the railings.

"Its called the star lake!" Markl informed the two woman


Markl noticed a stick.

"Something is stuck there" Markl said

Elizabeth went beside of Markl to see.

"Oh dear, lend me a hands." Sophie said to the two. And the two helped Sophie to bring up the stick.

"A scarecrow?" Elizabeth said

"He is called Turnip, the Turnip-head" Sophie informed

"He sure likes being upside down" Elizabeth jokingly said

The Turnip head suddenly came alive and jumped away. He started to bounce up and down on a one place away from the trio.

"What a odd creature he seem to take a liking to me. He followed me here" Sophie exclaimed

"Are you sure you're not a witch, Sophie?" Markl asked

"Sophie a witch? Pfft-" Elizabeth joked

"That's right! I'm the cleanest witch in the land!" Sophie jokingly said

The trio went back inside the castle. As Calcifer stopped the castle in front of the lake to let them dry the laundry.

Sophie and Elizabeth do the hanging while Markl and Turnip make the line.

"Turnip! Don't pull too much!" Markl complained

"He sure does like doing some laundry~" Elizabeth exclaimed

Sophie and Markl went inside to get the table while Elizabeth get the food.

"Turnip must belong to the demons, Calcifer seems not to mind him." Markl said

"You're right, maybe he's a demon of the dead" Sophie replied

"But he's good and kind" Elizabeth said, she did observed the behavior of the scarecrow.

"And he led me to this wonderful place" Sophie added

The place is wonderful and very unreal to look at.

Minutes pass by and Mark with Elizabeth did the folding of the laundry to let Sophie relax a bit.

"Soph, we did the folding" Elizabeth said

"Thank you, we better head back now." Sophie replied

Sophie look at the lake one more time then saying that she never felt this peaceful before.


Howl is in his bird form, flying in the sky. His eyes landed on the burning houses.

War, he hated war. But he have no choice but to take part of it. He is a good man.


Loud explosion was heard and seen. Howl saw the airship dropping more bombs.

Howl dodges all the falling airship that the kingsburry took down.

The man noticed the henchmen of Madame Sulliman coming for him. He fly up towards the henchmen and killed some of it.

Howl successfully escaped the henchmen.


The dial sounded as Howl went inside of his castle. The wizard sat on the chair and place his feet near Calcifer's place.

"Stinks, you reek of burnt flesh and steel" Calcifer said

Howl groan as he transformed back to his human form.

"Keep flying and one day, you won't be able to change yourself back and enjoy life with Bethy" Calcifer warned

Calcifer took a firewood near him.

"It's amazing! Sophie and Bethy do this" Calcifer added

Howl just fixed his clothes.

"The battle is fierce, the country ablaze from southern coast to the Nothern border" Howl said

Calcifer replied saying that he hates the fire in the gunpowder because they don't have manners.

"My own kind attacked me" Howl said

"The witch of the waste?" Calcifer asked

"Hack wizards masquerading as monsters" Howl replied

Calcifer exclaimed that the wizards will cry plenty later on because they will not regain human forms again.

"No, they'll just forget they ever know how to cry" Howl replied

The two talked about Howl reporting to the king but Howl just shrug it off.

Elizabeth woke up from her sleep because she is thirsty.


Howl and Calcifer look at the staircase.

"Hello? Pardon me, just getting water to drink" Elizabeth awkwardly said, she then proceed to get water to drink.

Howl just observed the lady getting her water.

Elizabeth went to Sophie's place and peek in the curtain.

Howl cast a spell on himself, so that Elizabeth could not smell the burnt flesh and steel on him.

Elizabeth saw Sophie sleeping her original age self.

"Soph" Elizabeth mumble

"Don't worry, we will turn her back to true self" Howl reassured

"Yeah" Elizabeth replied

"Go and sleep now, darling." Howl said

Elizabeth blushed then looked down to avoid the gaze of Howl. She just nodded as her reply.

"Good night, Howl" Elizabeth said

"Good night, my Eliza" Howl said but the last part is said in a whisper way.

Howl watched the lady's retreating figure.

"When are you going to tell her?" Calcifer asked

"When the time comes" Howl replied back

"You must or else you will forever lose her to a different man" Calcifer said

"I know" Howl stated

Howl went back upstairs and turn on his bath. And of course, Calcifer heated Howl's water.

Childhood [ H.J Pendragon x OC ]Where stories live. Discover now