Chapter 13

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  "What...?...." Natasha asked in shock , betrayal and most of all heartbreak .

  Eric then soon began to laugh , and that made Natasha question his sanity. Here she was on the tears of brink again .

   Natasha looked at Eric and asked : "What the hell is so god damn funny ?!"

   Eric just smirked. Upon questioning Eric said : "Well Natasha , mom told me EVERY single word that Maria unconsciously in her Bi-Polar mood swing . So then i took the the liberty of firing you as the Maid isn't it Great ?!".

   Natasha wanted to swing kick Eric , how was this even remotely funny or even remotely Great?!.

   She just glared at Eric . Eric then raised his hands up in surrender . He said : "Wait lemme finish . I am firing you as the Maid and hereby officially inviting you to live as a member of this household as my friend ." He said with a genuine smile.

     Natasha dropped her jaw , First of she had been sorta friend zoned but at least she wasn't getting fired , well fired fired .

    But then a thought rang through her head . She said : "Eric , that's wonderful but i can't."

    She continued : "If i live here as your friend , that would be the best thing in my life so far but i still need the job ."

     Eric raised his hand and said : "Nonsense . And don't worry , you will still be getting Paid , oh and by the way i have decided to give you a raise, from 1500 Pounds to ummm ....... let's say 5000 Pounds ? Yeah that sounds alright ."

     Natasha would faint if she was being honest . She quickly said : "No Eric i can't accept that !"

    Eric smirked a mischievous smirk and said : "Alright 6000 Pounds then."

   Natasha immediately tried to decline and said : "But .." she was cut off.

    Eric said : "7000 Pounds . Natasha . The more you decline my offer and the more you say "but" i will increase your salary by 1000 Pounds."

    That shut up Natasha much to Eric's delight .

    Eric said : "Well Natasha Isabella , welcome to your new second home ."

    Natasha then said with genuine tears in her eyes : "Thank you Eric ."   and she hugged him and Eric didn't hesitate to hug back .

      Then all of a sudden the door opened and Carol and Maria came in clapping their hands in happiness .

      Carol then hugged Natasha too and kissed her forehead .

     Maria looked at Natasha with a apologetic face and said : "I am so sorry Natasha , i didn't mean to say any of those words, i know i am awful ." Now she had tears in her eyes and she fell on her knees and practically begged Natasha for forgiveness . Natasha then "unwillingly" forgive her.

    Carol then nodded in approval and so did Eric .

    Carol then said one last thing : "Oh and Natasha , you will be staying in one of the grand guest rooms. oh wait..... that means we will need a new Maid ?!"

       Everyone chuckled at that . But for some reason Natasha had another gut feeling . That Maria was faking the whole apology . But it was just a gut feeling... and hopefully nothing more........


       After that night a week had almost passed and Natasha had officially moved in to HER new room , as Eric's friend .

      So far Natasha had no qualms , or rather no more further qualms with Maria. 

      Something interesting did happen though . Eric and Carol took Natasha shopping and bought her dozens of fancy , casual , and night time cloths . 

    That was one of her best experiences yet , They also managed to hire a new maid , and to top it off Maria and her were seemingly on great terms . And that's all Natasha could ever ask for .

    Though she wouldn't have preferred Eric and Carol practically "nicely and kindly"  forcing her on a shopping spree.

   While Natasha was lost in her thoughts wearing one of her brand new casual cloths , she started to make her way towards to kitchen where Maria was.

    Maria on the other hand had other plans than to stay quite and do nothing .

   "Now it's finally time to use Plan B. Killing Carolina Danvers. I wanted to kill Natasha then Carol, but seems i would have to kill her later , for my ultimate goal both of them need to die . And my Plan is going to work this time ."  Maria thought and had a psychotic grin on her face .

    Right now she was making a cup of tea for Carol , she had it all planned out . Maria grinned as she looked at the Bottle of Poison in her hands.

    She grinned again as she mixed the poison inside the cup of tea , one drink or sip would kill anyone .

   She put the tea cup on a small plate , and made her way towards Carol . 

    Maria saw Carol sitting on dining table invested on whatever was on her phone , Most probably Soap operas .

    Carol smiled when she saw Maria bringing her the cup of tea .  Carol's eyes widened when she realized what was about to happen .

    Natasha was coming from the other side of the hallway and they both couldn't see each other and would most likely collide .

    Carol was about to warn them but it was too late .

    Maria and Natasha bumped into each other , both of them yelped but managed to compose themselves, but fortunately the cup of tea in Maria's hands fell to the ground and shattered and spilled all the tea on the ground much to Maria's dislike .

     Maria looked up at Natasha and she was ready to bit Natasha's head off , Natasha had ruined her plan yet again !!

     Maria then remembered that she wasn't suppose to show her murderous side especially to Natasha and especially in front of Carol.

    Natasha asked Maria worried : "OH lord , Maria are you okay ?!"

   Maria then mustered her most realistic smile she could make and said : "Don't worry Natasha, i am fine and don't worry about the mess , it's my fault".

   Natasha was about to decline but then Maria hugged her and said : "Don't worry silly ,it's alright". And Natasha nodded shocked .

    Carol who was watching the scene unfold had a proud smile on her face .

    Maria on the other hand wished she had a knife in her hand so she could literally Back-Stab Natasha multiple times. But she knew she would have to wait and be patient .

   Maria sighed and she knew now she would have to depend on her Plan C. Her backups' backup Plan in case Plan A and B failed .She then grinned at the thought........




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