Chapter 2

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"Love at first sight isn't always real, Love in Time is the purest Love of all, That's what True Love is . But no one said that Love at first isn't always fake either....."

             Natasha went out to enjoy the summer breeze. It was another typical day. The sun had risen a couple of hours ago . The breeze brought the poignant smell of flowers from the Garden . The was unusually low. 

            And Natasha had just won a Lucky Draw and gotten a 500 Pounds Prize. The following previous events had made her sure that it was all a bad omen.

       The traffic was less, unusual for now a days, The smell of the flowers that were out ranging the smell of a nearby factory and the fact that Natasha had won a lucky draw just now, none of these signs were unusual . But to her the last one was a red flag.

       The young brunette had never won a lucky draw in her entire life , the only times she had won them , let's just say bad things happened after.

      Despite the uneasy feeling , she went on with her day . All of a sudden the breeze increased a bit, not too much but enough for it to ruin her hair.

     As if things weren't bad enough a flyer made of paper was flying with wind and it attached or rather slapped itself on her face.

      In a fit of fury , she grabbed the paper and tore it to half and then threw it down and jumped on it continuously as if it were a trampoline 

   She huffed and removed the strands of hair that were continuously attacking her face and put a hair clip on it .

     She curiously looked at the paper under her shoes and read the main heading "New Maid needed urgently. Salary 1500 Pounds".

      Natasha's eyes widened and she immediately picked up the damaged pieces of paper . This was no ordinary piece of paper that had slapped her across the face . It was fate it self !

       Natasha thank god and ran home .  She discussed this with her parents. Iris and Fred were old but they still didn't want their daughter to become a Maid. They wanted her to be an educated women which she was , but they wanted her to continue her studies.

   But both of them knew they couldn't afford her studies even if they took multiple loans . And besides there was no stopping Natasha once she made her mind .And so they had to "unwillingly willingly" agree to their daughters decision.

         Natasha was ecstatic . She didn't know how big the house would be. Maybe it would be a one story small house but it didn't matter. They were paying 1500 Pounds which was like 2000 U.S Dollars a month ! It was a lot , especially for her if not for others.

          She packed up her suitcase . Thankfully this job required no interview. Only a background check and that's it . She only had one suitcase and a handbag or purse .

     She bid her parents farewell cause she knew that she wouldn't be seeing them soon. This job required her to be in the house a lot . But again for some reason she was ecstatic . She didn't know a thing about how to be a maid so this was gonna be a new experience for her .

     And boy did she love new challenges .

    She took a Taxi and gave the driver the address . The driver rose his eyebrows at that , but no one made any comment , but that didn't mean it confused Natasha .

      After a hour long drive , to apparently another part of London, they arrived at a community area , and Natasha's jaw dropped . The houses their weren't ordinary houses . They were Mansions !!

       But to her relief they went away from those Mansions, and upwards towards the mountain hills. Then after a little bit of trouble they arrived at the designated area . And if Natasha's jaw had been dropped before, well now it seemed like she had left this plane of existence.

       This was the biggest mansion in the entire community . And to say she felt nervous now was an understatement .

       She grabbed her things and paid the Cab Driver and the driver left.

     She went towards the front gate but was immediately stopped by multiple guards . She gulped but tried not to show her uneasiness.  One of the guards asked : "State your business lady ".

     She said while stuttering "I.. Umm...I am here for the New Maid Job Offer".

     And she showed them the flyer from earlier this time with tape covering it . She had fixed it with tape . The guards rose their eyebrows at that and nodded . They asked : "Your I.D please" and she gave them her I.D Card .

     They looked at from each corner for a good solid five minutes and then nodded at each other and said : "Okay Ma'am show us your luggage please". while handing her I.D back .

      The entire time Natasha stood their nervously in shock, awe and astonishment . But most of all slight fear and nervousness . She was half expecting that a gun or bomb would manifest out of no where and show up in her bag.

     After they were done, they handed her back her luggage and Natasha sighed in relief . She was glad this went smoothly . 'Bloody Guards' she thought sarcastically .

      The guard standing next to her said : "Okay Ma'am your Good to go . Our House Car will escort you to the entrance ."

      And as the guard said she was soon escorted to the massive 3 Story Mansion . It even had Mini Mansions in the lawn as well and a huge swimming Pool . "Bloody rich people" Natasha muttered under her breath .

        Natasha arrived at the main entrance and opened the grand doors and the interior especially the lightings was enough to make her nearly faint .

         All of a sudden she heard a male husky voice behind her back. "And you are ?"

       She immediately turned around and saw the most hottest man of her entire life, and she had a feeling he was someone important here as well. But most of all she couldn't help but strip his cloths off , with her eyes of course .................




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