Chapter 1

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    Natasha Isabella sat on her arm chair clearly distraught . She had in fact had a hard day . Natasha looked at the magazine . Specifically today's date . 9th June , 1999. 

    Nearly an end of the 20th century . She had no real expectations of what would transpire in her future but the brunette did indeed wish for a bright future.

    Right now the 22 year old women sighed with a breath she hadn't realized she was holding .

    Her reason for distraught was that she had yet again been rejected from a offer for a job . She really needed the money . Her mother , Iris, looked at her and sighed in sympathy.

   Iris was aware of how hard her daughter was trying . But the bloody bastards won't hire her .

   The young brunette looked at her mother with eyes full of sorrow and said : "I am sorry Mum, i will try again at a new place." her British accent escaping her lips.

   Iris sighed. She felt as though she had botched her daughter's future . It happened when Fred , her husband had fallen sick for a week. During that week it had been a bloody mess . That's when Natasha had decided to skip her studies and help her family .

     Iris sighed and left the young blonde brunette . Natasha was a wonder . She wasn't like many women her age who interested in boys or fashion, instead the only thing that seemed to interest the young lady was hard work.

    Natasha sighed and removed her straight curls . Blonde wasn't her natural hair color . Her natural hair color was reddish brown. It was mostly reddish though . A unique and extremely rare hair color . Her hair attracted to much attention towards her so that's why she preferred to dye it . 

     Natasha wasn't the type of your typical average women though, she didn't give up easily, no matter what the odds were .


    Eric Danvers sighed and then groaned . He then yawned again when he heard his phone ring. He had a small Nokia phone . He still was amazed at the concept of small devices that he could carry around anywhere with him.

   It was fascinating how he could call anyone in the world with that little button thing .

   Eric was a 24 year old lad, that was commonly known as the CO and CEO of the Great Dragon Company . One of the most biggest and most successful legal business companies in the world .

   With successfulness came wealth, with great wealth come great power and with great power there came great responsibilities . None of which Eric was particularly interested in at the moment .

    Eric sighed and wondered what happened last night and why he was completely naked. His questions were answered when he looked at his wallet . Correction , empty wallet .

    So the girl he had slept with last night had stolen his money. Well it only had 2400 pounds in it so it didn't matter much .

   At least the girl had pleased him a lot last night sexually . So he supposed she deserved that money . It's not like 2400 pounds was a big deal . At least not to him.

    Another day , another one night stand . "Bullocks" he muttered under his breath . The brunette from last night had stolen his Gold Belt as well . Well he had nearly 50 more at home so no worries.

    He put on his cloths and answered the call feeling irritated , who dared wake him from his own self slumber .

  "Morning Eric !" , Eric's cold expression immediately melted and smile came across his face , as he recognized the unmistakable voice of his Mum, Carolina Danvers.

  "Ay Mum, How you doing ?" Eric was pleased .A phone call from his mother was the perfect way to start his day.

   "Alright dear. What are you doing though ?"  she asked hoping it wasn't what she knew it was.

  "I well a girl from last night mugged me .. other wise i am doing okay , i am about to head to office now." He replied.

   "Eric what did i say about sleeping around with the first girl you see." His mum asked.

  "Bullocks . Can't hide anything from you mum can I ?" Eric said with a cheeky grin.

   "Language dear" Her mum replied a sigh visible through the phone .

  "What's wrong ?" He asked concern covering his features . His mum replied : "Nothing ... it's just that your a 24 year old boy now, all grown up, i don't know how long i will live so Bloody find me a daughter-in-law already."

   Eric sighed . His mother was emotionally black mailing him again . And Bloody hell was it working . He sighed and his mum heard it .

    "Oh Eric before you go to work , we need a new Maid dear, the last one quit last night ." Carolina said with a sigh.

      "Oh really , what was her name , Sloane , Sylvie , Sarah , wait a minute... Shane no.. um.... what her name again ?"

  "Silena" his mum replied with a invisible eye roll .

   "Right .. i knew that . Okay ask Simon to put a add for a new Maid , set the Salary to ... 1500 Pounds." He replied.

   "Okay mum i better get ready ." He said .

  "wait one more thing dear . For the love of God don't sleep with this one too ." Her mum said genuinely concerned .

  Eric smirked and said : "Okay mum . I promise ...."

  Carolina sighed in relief and said : "Oh thank G..." she was cut off when Eric completed his sentence . "I promise i will try ."

  "Bloody Hell"

"Language Mum ." There was silence on the other end of the phone until she finally responded and said : "Honey don't make me come to you wherever you are and shot you down and bury you alive and have a strawberry smoothie after."

    Then all of a sudden they both burst into fits of laughter . Eric loved teasing his mother, but that didn't mean she couldn't genuinely be frightening at times.

  Both mother and son said their Goodbyes and ended the call . Eric wondered who the New Maid would be . 'Hopefully someone Hot' he thought .





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