internet discomfort

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Xiao sat in the kitchen closet, thinking about what happened earlier. The rain and thunder outside wasn't helping his situation either. Waiting for Aether to come home was getting tiring; he was getting worried for him.

Earlier today, he was streaming a bunch of horror games with Venti and Kazhua. Aether was shopping, but sends his love through the chat. After playing four games, the three took the rest of the stream to answer questions about their band, personal lives, stuff like that. During that time, Aether called and asked what did he want from the store. The raven replied with Almond Tofu and Pocky sticks. He said "I love you" to the blond, and then his chat asked if Xiao was dating Aether. The raven said yes, and about 67% of the chat were wishing death to both Aether and Xiao for dating each other. It's not the first time someone wished death to him, what angered him was that Aether was getting them. Venti and Kazhua saw this, and shut down chat from their computers. Xiao ended stream, and hid away from everyone else.

"Xiao! I'm home!"-A

The house was unusually quiet, making the blond worried. He put his umbrella in the wooden bucket, took off his coat, and started his search for his lover. Aether checked every hiding spot he knew Xiao would hide in, but he wasn't there. Could he have a new spot? The raven was found in the kitchen closet, huddled into a ball.

"Ah Xiao, there you are! They ran out of Almond Tofu, so I got you some of those-!"-A

Xiao hugged Aether and held on tight. Aether could tell something was wrong right away. He responded with a gentle kiss and hugged his lover back.

"People were wishing death on you. Because I was dating you. It made me so angry."—X

"Xiao Xiao, some people don't like the idea of two people of the same gender dating. It's usually a man and a woman together. As long as you are happy dating me as well as I am, then we are fine. If one of us get murdered for it, then the other finds the killer and drown them in the ocean. It's that simple, we don't care what others think of us"-A

^( coming from a bisexual  who prefers women)

Xiao still held Aether close to him. The thought of dying because you liked the same gender as you was terrifying, especially if Aether was the one murdered. But Xiao was his own person and stood alongside Aether, then he would be okay.

"I bought Pocky and Rice Balls. They ran out of Almond Tofu, so I got some rice balls. Shall we eat?"-A

"We shall."—X

It should come today...I hope

489 words

Xiao x Aether one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now