A Small Tale of Sea

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Mermaid AU, and it's inspired by the new area and Past Liyue. My own Enkanomiya Lore.

That felt weird to say

Long before time had a name, there was a land underwater that could be seen in the waters of Watatsumi Island. A city called Enkanomiya. Found deep in the whirlpool east of the Sangonomiya Shrine, a land where the people of Watatsumi came to the shrine from the waters.

Now there are people still living there, but they have evolved. Humans can still go and walk on Enkanomiya, but they have to get past the guards unnoticed first. The city is busy, and their work must go uninterrupted.

There's a family there that is important to this story, The Alatus Family. The family is known for its alliance and contributions with Liyue. They helped stopped the raging Fatui from shady deals. One parent even defeated one. Now he fights him every Monday. The other fought during the archon war and earned his spot in Rex Lapis's Adepti ranks. Now he is a living memory of history itself. They both are married and have a little young boy named after water. River was his name, and it is a wonderful one. That little boy takes after his father, I swear on this book. Don't tell Ather, I mean Aether, I said that.


"Your a headache in the dawn sometimes. No Xiao, I'm doing this on purpose. Now let me rea-"-A

"Are you seriously going back up to the surface to Mondstat for some request? That seems stupid of the supposed Acting Grand Master of The City of Freedom. "-X

"Xiao, what did I say about insulting other city leaders? And plus, you haven't even met Jean. Now let me read in peace, River has gone to sleep and I want my quiet time for a bit."-A

"My love I'm sorry~. Please don't hurt me, I love that dominate side of yours. It's part of the reason I fell in love with you."-X

"Are you going to keep being this lovey dovey? Or do I have to learn the way of the water like you said?"-R

"Blame your father. I wanted to read some of Enkanomiya's history, but he wanted some cuddles and kisses. Your father is a pouty man."-A

"I-Mmm. How do you know such immature, vulgar things that I-I wouldn't ever ask for?!"-X

"That tone of yours changed into a begging and flirty kinda tone when I showed your so called dominance."-A

Aether always knew Xiao's emotions to the point where he knew when he wanted something. It was rather strange for a merman like him to be studying his lover's attitude and emotions, but life undersea is quite boring after ten years. More and more added responsibilities later in life get more better, but added stress. Life is eventful, one said.

I'm beginning to experience writers block. But imma write a part 2 to this I swear.


513 words

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