Chapter 1: Yagi Toshinori!

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Toshinori POV:

I was in Recovery Girl's office being treated for my injury I got from defeating All for One when I started thinking, 'Who's going to remember me? The real me, not All Might. Who's going to know that Yagi Toshinori existed? Who will I affect?'. My mother and father died years ago, my only friends are heroes who care more about All Might as opposed to Toshinori, my master is dead, and I'm not sure how much time Gran Torino has left. I'm not even sure how much time I've got left.

That's when I knew I wanted to have a family.

A few hours later I woke up to Mirai, Nedzu, Gran Torino, and Recovery Girl sitting around me. I feel weak, my side is killing me.

"Let's talk about your injuries." Recovery Girl looks at her clipboard with a frown.

"Muscles were torn, several of your ribs were broken, your right lung was punctured, and I had to remove your stomach because it was so badly torn up that if I left it in you would've burned yourself from the inside out. I want to make it clear that you almost died, and we doubt you'll make a full recovery. All Might, you are in no shape to be doing hero work right now." Recovery Girl stares at me, expecting a rebuttal.

"I understand." I nod my head in agreement as I touch the bandages that cover my wound.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Gran Torino looks at me like I'm crazy. "Are you feeling alright? Normally you're more dumb and stubborn than this." Gran tilts his head in confusion.

"G-Gran Torino! Don't give him any ideas." Mirai whispers.

"I'm serious, I don't think I'm in any way ready to go back out and fight again. Not yet anyways. I think... for now, I want to focus on my private life." I blush and look away from the group of four, who stare at me with shock.

"Private life?" Nedzu says as he looks at me with curiosity.

"Yes... I-I want to start a family!" I shout as I feel myself turn three shades reder.

"A family!?" They repeat.

"Uh huh, a family!" I try to smile but at this point I don't think I could get more embarrassed.

"Do you have a crush, Toshinori?" Gran Torino teases me.

"N-no! But... I don't want to be alone when I'm at home. I don't want people to only remember All Might and not Yagi Toshinori." I mumble.

"Starting a family would take up time that you normally use for fighting crime. It might be a good way to rest." Mirai smiles and nods to Recovery Girl who laughs to herself.

"You'll have to get in the dating scene." Nedzu giggles.

"Please, I took down All for One! Dating will be a breeze." I sit up in the bed as I look at the others.

"Good luck to ya, and don't come crying to me to hook you up with someone." Gran Torino sighs.

"Yeah right, you're the guy I think of when I think about finding someone to date." I huff, which gets me a kick to the knee from a disgruntled Gran Torino.

"If starting a family will help distract you while you rest from hero work, then consider me ready to help!" Mirai smiles. I can tell that he must've been very worried about me, more worried than anyone else.

"Okay, then from here on out I'll only go by Yagi Toshinori!" I pump a fist into the air only to regret it moments later when I cough up blood and steam rolls off my body.

"Right, I forgot to warn you that when you overdo it... that will happen." Recovery Girl points to me with a small mirror.

"Gah! What the hell happened, I'm small, a-and my muscles!" I pout as I look at just my face in her mirror. I look like a dead person, the dark circles under my eyes and the permanent frown on my face doesn't help.

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