a good hard look

18 11 2

Right when my honey brown eyes are bloodshot

and my chapped lips quiver --

I head to that large vanity mirror

At first, I watch myself take sharp, ragged breaths

then I'm pulling and touching at my exhausted face

Looking at what I was given and acknowledging the waste

And when the planned meditation shifts to dissociation

I'm on the fence between a jovial belly laugh and wounded cry

That confusion dilutes itself to anger and I get chills down my crooked spine

"Your blood is running cold yet you're still alive,

you've prolonged the bittersweet epilogue",

my mind speaks down to me as if I'm only a child

It says the age piles on and no progress has been made

Still poking at the past and reaching for your mother's sleeve

But she has rested for nearly a decade and it's time you do the same

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