Chapter 17

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Just before we start this chapter I wanted to say I did a face reveal on my Instagram! I will most likely delete it later so if you want to see it go check while you still can! My user is blossomwolf357 now onto the chapter!!

Camilo noticed you and moved over to you in shock. "Y/N?!" Camilo yelled in shock. "CAMILO?!" You replied with. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???" You said both looking like you'd seen a ghost. "Well long story short some weird thing that was literally me came out of this mirror cause don't ask why I was here but I just was and now I'm trapped in here as well." Camilo said "When did you get here?? In my house" You said confused. "Yesterday during the investigation I was just curious and people still think we  are dating but we aren't so it was weird but they made me come and stuff and that's when I got stuck in here" Camilo said. "Oh...well we should try and find a way out." You looked over all around the mysterious room. Nothing. "I don't know if we can...this room is practically empty..." Camilo said also scanning the room.

-With Carlos and fake Y/n-

Once the fake y/n was asleep Carlos noticed something off. Normally he would fall asleep first and "You" just weren't acting like yourself. Carlos got up to see if "you" would wake up and you did which was VERY suspicious since you never woke up when he left unless you were already up. "Where are you going" The fake Y/n asked. "To the bathroom. I drank lots of water" Carlos said "Okay" the fake Y/n replied before Carlos left the room and went into the bathroom. He looked into the mirror. "Nothing. Maybe Y/n just isn't acting like herself." Carlos said but he went quite trying to hear for something. Still nothing. You and Camilo had fallen asleep next to each other and weren't planning on escaping until the next day. Carlos sighed going to the bathroom then heading back to bed. He fell asleep and so did the fake Y/n.

-The next day-

Carlos and the fake Y/n got up and headed to Casita. "Camilo" was there since they were all gonna hang out but instantly Carlos noticed something was terribly off with the fake Y/n and the fake Camilo. They acted to perfect. The real Y/n and the real Camilo never acted this perfect. Unless...they changed? "Hey I'm gonna go talk to Mirabel I'll be right back." Carlos said and headed upstairs to Mirabels room. He knocked and She answered. "Hey...can I talk to you?" Carlos asked "Oh um...sure?" Mirabel said letting Carlos into her room. "What's up?" She asked leaning up against the table. "Y/n and Camilo aren't acting the same and I don't know why...just they are acting to perfect." Carlos said not trying to sound stupid or crazy. "Hmm you noticed that to? Camilo seemed so off to me earlier when he offered to help me carry something to my room." Mirabel said looking at Carlos surprised due to Carlos also feeling the same. "Do you think Dolores heard what happened?" Carlos asked. "She could have but she was most likely asleep so no.." Mirabel said then Carlos asked another question. "Can Dolores hear inside mirrors?" Carlos asked. "Uh no? She can't hear that stuff. A mirror is like another world and she can't hear that she only hears things that's where she is. If she's in a mirror then yes but if she isn't no." Mirabel said. "CARLOS!!" Fake y/n yelled from downstairs. "Okay thanks but I got to go. See ya Mira." Carlos said before leaving her room and heading down stairs. "You we're taking forever." The fake Y/n said "Yeah." Fake Camilo replied. "Sorry! It was important.." Carlos said before pushing them out the door so they could do something.

-With REAL Camilo and Y/n-

"Ugh IM SO BORED" You said rolling around on the floor. "Tell me about it." Camilo said laying on the floor rubbing his head. "WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?!" Your head was starting to hurt and you were losing your mind from boredom. "I don't know!!" Camilo said sounded exhausted and annoyed.

That's the end of this chapter!! If you have any ideas please tell me cause I have nothing right now. Also there probably were spelling errors so just ignore them lmao

Camilo and Carlos x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now