Rafe's secret business |chapter 24 - Cassie + Rafe

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I'm laying my head on Rafe's chest while he plays with my hair. I feel good. He makes me feel good. Wouldn't wanna be anywhere else right now. This moment we have right now is really valuable. So is Rafe. I wish to spend every moment of my life with him. He makes my life beautiful and full of joy. "You liked that huh?" He says teasingly. "Oh shut up." I say as I get up. "Where you going, young lady?" he says as he pulls me back to bed. I give him a kiss, making him   want more and get up. What, he can tease me and I can't ? "Rafe we can't just lay in bed the whole day. And besides, didn't you tell me you had some business to attend to?" I say as I put my clothes on. "Shit, I forgot about it." he says as he itches his eye. "And anyways, what is it that you're not telling me? Are you in the mafia Rafe?" I joke with him. "It's really not important, just business stuff I gotta do with my dad." he says as he gets up. "If you say so." I reply as I lean for my shoe. "What about you, where you heading to ?" he asks as he puts on his shirt. "Pope found something bizarre inside of John B's house, I'm gonna go check that out." He raises his brows at me and nods sarcastically. 

"You sure you're okay now, right Cass?" he asks me. "Yeah I promise." I give him a comforting nod. "I can't believe Topper would drug and then frame you like that." "He disgusts me." Noticing how sad I got, he goes; "But we're both okay now, that's what really matters. Plus, I'm never letting you go." and I just hug him tight.


Rafe and I pull over John B's house; "I hate coming to this place." he rolls his eyes. "Well you've got no choice." I shoot him a kiss and get out of the car. I notice Rafe watching over me as I go inside the house and then drive away. I love how he's not letting me out of sight. 

"Hey guys!"

"Cass, you're here!" Kie shouts. 

"Girl, what took you so long?" Sarah runs to me. They all gather around me and wait for the explanation. "I'm okay now. Really." I try to shoot a smile.

"Sarah told us everything, how could you hide that from us?!" John B gets annoyed.

"I knew you guys wouldn't let me go see him." I reply innocently. 

"But you told Sarah, cuz she would, and she did, let you go."  Pope argues.

"So I'm the one to blame here?!" Sarah gets back at him.

"Well, yes." JJ confirms.

"Indeed." Kie agrees.

"Okay guys can we all shut up now. It wasn't Sarah's fault and I am totally okay now." 

"Thank God." Kie replies and they all hug me. 

"So what's with the thing you found Pope?" I ask him.

"Oh it's right here, let me show you." and we all head to the living room.

Rafe's POV

I pull over the "Cameron Development" and turn off the engine. I take off my sunglasses as I walk towards the company. Ward meets me right outside. "Hey dad, I just got off the phone with him. Told him this was the last day to get the money." "And he agreed?" he asks surprisingly. "Nah, he said he needs more time." I roll my eyes. "So what did you tell him?" "I told him if he doesn't come with the money, he's dead." "And you think he won't just run away? I mean he's got no one, so..." "Trust me dad, he won't. He won't because your guys told me they knew where he lives, so that shouldn't be a problem." 

"Great, anything else?" he asks me.

"Yes. Anything else I should know about him?" I shake my head.

"He's got no family member around." 

"How come?" 

"His family lives a little far from the OBX. His two sons go to some university there and he's gotta pay for their education. Um then, he's really poor, barely got a house. He lives in one room wooden house, located in the Pogue area."

"Got it sir." I nod.

"Alright then. Good job son, I'm proud of you." He comes closer and taps my back. "Thank you dad,  I won't let you down." I inhale deeply and enter inside as he walks away. 

I really hope this someone brings the money today. Cause I really don't want to do what I have to do. I don't want to hurt him, but I also can't let my dad down. After all, I'm his only son, and he fully relies on me. So if i gotta do it, I'll man up and do it.

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