Truth hurts |chapter 17- Rafe+Cassie

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I turn towards her house and pull over. I open the door of my car and get out. I raise my sunglasses and look at her house. After looking around for a minute, I take two steps towards the entrance of her house. I clear my throat, and as I'm about to knock the door, I feel a warm hand grabbing my forearm. It's Cassie. "What the hell are you doing here Rafe?" she whispers while looking at me questioningly. I turn my head to notice JJ standing right next to her. "I'll ask you the same question. I think I made it crystal clear that you shouldn't come here." I say while looking at JJ. I told the Pogues not to let her back here until we know the story. "Relax Rafe, we came here so she could remember." JJ says to me. Cassie grabs my hand and drags me a little away from her house. JJ follows. "Okay now tell me what the hell are you doing here Rafe?" asks Cassie. "I wanted to talk to your dad. Maybe he knows what happened. Maybe he could help us." I reply. "You can't talk to him Rafe. I don't even know if he was at home when the incident happened." says Cassie. "Look around Cass. Remember anything?" asks JJ. Cassie looks around for a few minutes, trying to remember. After some time, my patience boils up and I say: "Your plan is fucking useless moron." I say to JJ. "You called me a moron you asshole?!" JJ looked at me." "Yeah..I did. What are you gonna do about it?" "Alright you bit-" JJ gets cut off before he can finish his words. "Shut up guys! I think I'm starting to remember what happened." says Cassie in an anxious way." she looks at us.  After a pause, she turns her head towards her house and continues; "So I woke up at Rafe's house and I remember being really nervous that I didn't come back home. I knew my dad would be mad. I quickly rushed home and tried to sneak into my room, but my dad caught me in the kitchen." She looked at us as her eyes watered. I think she realised what happened. "He got really mad that I didn't come home last night. We then started arguing and shouting at each other. He then....he then pushed me to the marble wall and I hit my head. I hit my head." she says as tears drop down her cheeks. "Hey, it's okay." JJ quickly gives her a hug. "It was my dad. He caused all of this." she looks down as tears keep flowing down her face. I just stand there looking at her, completely frozen. I'm trying to process all of this. "What about your hand Cass? How did you get that cut then?" JJ asks. "I remember I tried protecting myself with it, but he turned my arm to the opposite, which ended up cutting my arm. I then ran to my as he followed me. I locked my door and decided to jump out from the window. I then ran outside of my house, and that's when I called you Rafe. I remember thinking that I was actually dying." she sobbed as she looked at me. "FUCK!" I let out a scream as my anger boiled. "I'm gonna fucking kill your dad Cassie!" I said as I went towards her house. "Rafe wait!." Cassie shouted as she ran towards me. "You don't wanna do this man." JJ said as he grabbed my arm. "Get the fuck off of me!" I pushed him off as I went further. "Rafe stop! Please." Cassie shouted a little away from me. Her scream stopped me. I turned around and looked at her. "Please calm down Rafe." "This psychopath tried to kill you Cassie, how can I be calm, huh?!" I shout at her. She came closer to me. "I beg you Rafe, let's go. Let's get the fuck out of here. I don't want to stand here any longer. This place disgusts me." says Cassie as she looks at me with her swollen eyes. I get slightly calmer and decide to listen to her. Going in there will only make her sad. "Okay lets go." I say as we get away from her house. "JJ thank you for your help. I would never remember it if it wasn't for your idea." "No problem Cassie, I'm glad we finally know the whole story. And I'm really fucking sorry." replies JJ. "You can leave now," I say to JJ. "I'll see you soon JJ." says Cassie as we leave. 

JJ leaves with the truck and goes back home and me and Cassie enter my car. I immediately drive away from her house, to the open road. I feel my hands shaking from anger and Cassie notices. "You can't drive like this Rafe. You're gonna get us crashed." "No I'm alright." "Rafe!" she grabs my hand. I turn to her and slow down the car. I stop the car on the side of the road and we step out. We sit down as we look at the sea. "Its okay Rafe, I'm okay now." she says as she touches my cheek. I put my hand on her hand as I close my eyes and strongly breath out. "I am really sorry I couldn't be there with you. You know I'd never let that happen to you." "I know Rafe, I know it. See, this is the result of drugs. It makes people go crazy. I feel like I still didn't fully acknowledge that it was my own dad who almost killed me. I can't recognise him anymore. I'm scared of what's gonna happen Rafe." she says as a tear drops down her cheek. My heart breaks and my eyes tear up. I put my arms around her and cuddle her tightly. I want her to know that no ones gonna hurt her while I'm here. Just because it was her dad, I let it go. If it was someone else, I'd kill them in a matter of seconds. "Shh, its okay Cassie..I'm right here. No one can hurt you. You're safe with me babe." I say as I look at her. I feel so much better now as I'm next to her. She leans her head on my shoulder and we just sit there. No talks, no phones. Each other's company is all we need.

A while later, we get up and I drive away

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A while later, we get up and I drive away. "You hungry?" I ask her. She nods. "The restaurant on Kooks side? The one we went to the first time?" I ask her. "Can we go somewhere less crowded?" "I think I have the best place for that." "Really?" "Yeah, you'll see. I go there sometimes when I feel pressured by people. The place is really calm, and the food is delicious." I smile. She chuckles and she turns her head to my side. We arrive to the place and get out of the car. As we step into the beach I see the restaurant. "Wow, you really know I love beaches. This place is amazing Rafe." "It really is amazing." I smile. This restaurant is inside the beach. Even though it's a Kook place, not much people know about it. The white tables and chairs, the live music and the string lights make this place really cozy. We eat some food and chat. The weather is pretty warm and sunny. I feel peaceful, and so does she. She's really all I need. She makes me so happy that sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her.


"Hey, do you wanna go to the beach?" I ask him with excitement. "Of course I do. I'd go anywhere with you." He puts my hands in his. The difference in our hands size is lowkey cute. I look at him and smile deeply as I feel fireworks blowing up in my stomach. Rafe then calls the waiter to pay for the bill, but I stop him before he takes his wallet. "It's on me." I wink. I don't want him to always pay for me; it just feels wrong. "Okay then." He smiles. We leave the restaurant and go towards the beach. We then walk to the other side of the beach, where its less crowded. "We don't even have our swimwears." I tell him. "Do we even need them?" he smirks. "Oh god." I say, trying to act disappointed but actually feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment. "Okay now what do we do?" "Umm, I guess we could um.." he doesn't finish his sentence and pushes me into the water. "RAFE!" I shout before falling into the sea. I get out on the surface with a furious face looking at Rafe, but he just laughs and joins me.

 "Our fucking clothes are wet now-." I say as I tries to whip his shoulder. He stops my hand in the air and holds it tightly. He then raises my hand upwards while looking at me in the eyes, and with his other hand, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him. Our lips being centimeters away from each other, I can feel his warm breath on my face. I breath out deeply as I feel the crazy tension around us. "Fuck, I'm so in love with you Cassie." he says to me in a low voice and pulls me in for a kiss. And in that exact moment nothing else mattered. People around us disappeared, and all the other thoughts were gone. It was just Rafe and me against the whole world.

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