Case solved | chapter 22- Rafe + Cassie

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I sprint outside of the house and rush to my car. A tear flows down my cheek which makes me even angrier. Why do I produce tears? " up Rafe. Boys don't cry." I say to myself as I wipe the tear away. What would my father think of me if he saw his 19 year old son crying? Nothing more than disappointment. Shame on a family, perhaps. I just feel awful about what happened to her. Its disgusting how he could do such thing to her.

 I can't help but feel the fire across my body. The guy must be out of his mind. I hit the wheel of my car and then get inside the car. The fucker's gonna pay. He will pay for everything. First he frames me at the party, then tries to get my girl. Wow, Topper, you don't sit still. But don't worry, I'll change that. I'll help you so that you can never stand again. You can't imagine what's coming for you bro. You wish you've never met me, cause I'm about to make your life a fucking nightmare. Fuck. I can't stand still. My body can't stand still. I need to do something to calm myself down. My body wants to kill. It wants to kill no one other than Topper. I get a wave of heat all over myself and realise I can't just sit here and do nothing. Topper needs a lesson for his actions, and I'll make sure I teach him a kind of lesson no one has taught him before.

I turn on my car and drive away. I breathe heavily because I'm in agony. "Fucker!" I scream out in the car. The car just keeps getting hotter, and my skin is boiling. I open the window and try to calm myself. I can't control my anger any longer, and I'm afraid of what's gonna happen if I don't chill. But he deserves it. Topper deserves to die for what he's done. He's making me go through all of this anger. He betrayed me in the worst way possible, so he deserves everything that's about to happen to him. Topper needs to die. He's a harm to this world. He's dangerous. 

I open the shelf in the car, and take my gun out. It's loaded, good. I then put the cold gun back in the shelf and close it. I decide to call Barry, so we go there together. More people means more weapons. I take my phone out and dial his number. 

"What's up country club, how you doin'"

"I need to ask you for a favour. It's a huge one."

"Aaalriiight, throw it on."

"We're going to kill Topper. I'll pick you up, and we can think of a plan afterwards."

"Woo..Hold up there man. Whacha doin' ?"

"Almost there."

I pull over Barry's and slide my window down; "Hey Barry." I say carelessly.

"Country Club." He comes towards me. I stop the car and let myself out.

"So what kinda weapons do we use?" I ask him.

"Bro.. are you high or sum shit like tha'?" Barry says in disappointment while shaking his head.

"Topper fucked up and I crave revenge, okay?"

"I aint goin' anywhere until you tell me wha happen' "

I tell Barry everything, including him framing me in a party.

"Aight, listen man. You can't go around killin' people everytime they screw thins' up. Killin' him is not gon' do shit except gettin' you in trouble."

"You got a better plan?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Hell yeah."


We drive down to the boat marina and get out of the car. 

"This boutta be good as fuck." says Barry smiling.

"It better be." I say thoughtfully, looking down.

After walking a little around the place,  we find Topper's boat; aka his family boat.

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