Warmth & Wrath

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Birds were singing their morning songs & warm rays of sun was taking the land in smearing it’s warmth along with some unrequired places, like ethan’s room where two blistering clothed bodies were warming each other up.

“Ughh” ethan groaned in sleep when he felt aran’s  thigh in between his legs rubbing against his excited crotch.

Aran who himself was trying his best to not moan when alpha was kneading his ass let out a welcoming moan,

“Aahh~” this had both their eyes snapped open.

Both of them took in the position they were in like how tightly ethan was holding aran by his waist & hips, scratch marks present on ethan’s shoulder showing someone’s desperate attempt to bring the alpha closer, but their eyes almost popped out seeing their fully erect, unfortunately clothed member grinding against each other.

Aran shot up cupping his Bonner while ethan followed the suit, who was too tempted to kiss aran seeing his crimson cheeks & rouge lips which constantly was getting moisturized by a thin scarlet wet muscle.

Aran covered the excited boner by a cushion & rushed towards washroom, but after feeling some hungry stares on his back or his ass precisely he groaned & covered his ass while running for his life since his own body was betraying him.

Ethan laughed seeing his mate’s silly behavior but then decided to give attention to his tortured part also.

Aran was the first one to come out of their room with as usual ‘I hate my life’ face, followed by alpha who was smacked by a goofy grin on his face,

“How’s Vincent evan?” aran asked as a desperate attempt of ignoring the alpha who was continuously teasing him.

“He is still feeling nauseous as an after effect of the meds.” Evan answered in a sorrow tone.

“Ethan can I not cuff him since he is in my room & he has promised me that he won’t do anything” evan lied since he can’t see his mate chained like some rabid animal.

“What! He is a threat, he shouldn’t be mmmm mmph” ethan’s words got soaked by a hand,

“He wanted to say that you don’t need to keep your mate chained” aran completed.

“Fine but keep an eye on him” ethan huffed not looking his over the moon brother & without wasting another second evan went back in his room but returned in the same speed when he remembered something,

“Oh I forgot to ask what should I tell Vincent’s guards, they keep coming to me to meet him?” Evan asked since those vampires had him irritated asking about Vincent’s welfare in last four days.

“Tell them he is sent by alpha in human world for some reasons” ethan answered but it perked another doubt in Evan’s mind,

“Does father knows about all this?” Aran noticed what Evan was most concerned about so he took the task in his hand & answered,

“No he doesn’t know about this, but we are going to tell him everything since he is the head of the family, rest assure he won’t think of separating you from your mate, he is your father after all”.

“No it wasn’t about that, I was thinking that if he will be ashamed of me” Evan answered lowering his gaze,

“You have done nothing wrong so why would he be ashamed?” ethan asked but his question in a way solaced Evan’s mind so he just shook his head & get going.

“Can we come in alpha” Aran knocked,

“I thought you would need some time to walk on your own” alpha showed his concern but his worried face changed when he saw ethan,

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