The King is born👑

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It was the April in late nineties, the luna of werewolves was going to give birth to next alpha of werewolves.

Alpha was anxious listening luna's cries. He was pacing by the door trying to keep his mind in peace soon queen's cries was stopped & taken over by an infant's cries.

He pushed through the doors to find his bundle of happiness covered in blood, he waited for the luna to look at the baby then he held his boy in his arms & started moving.

"Where are you taking him alpha?" luna asked.

"I am taking him to the palace to show him to the queen" alpha replied.

(it became a ritual for the royal families of vampire, witches & werewolves to bring their heir in palace for the queen to see)

"No, my child is not going in that cursed land" luna hissed & took her baby from the alpha.

"But my love it's a ritual, we can't defy what's happening since generations" alpha tried to explain.

" I am the luna of werewolves & I forbade my child to go anywhere near that cursed place I don't believe in some rituals or some queen" with this luna tugged her son near herself and went to sleep leaving no room for arguments.

This news spread like fire in the whole supernaturals but no one could go against Luna's wishes if their alpha can't.

The child was named 'ian', everything was going perfect the little kid was pampered by everyone in territory, no one could stand against his adorable big puppy eyes.

But when Ian turned five, he got sick with some unknown disease. He has stopped eating since a week & if he was force feed he just pukes everything. No medicine has any positive effect on him neither palace's fruits or flowers.

Everyone thought it's because luna didn't let him have Queen's blessings. Everyone assumed that the boy is going to die in near future.

When alpha heard this he decided to take the matter in his hands & coaxed his luna to take him to the palace.

"Fine but he won't stay any more then five minutes in that cursed land" alpha never liked the way his mate speaked of that auspicious place but he couldn't argue her.

At the very next day alpha along with his beta, gamma & other people went to the palace, to take the blessing for his dying five year old.

The boy couldn't move so he was in alphas arms. There were normal visitors of every superbeing, palace was off lands of any territory whether witch, werewolf or vampire.

Some humans also visit this place but most don't because of their fear of supernaturals. When alpha set a foot in the palace premise ian opened his eyes which he didn't in two days & this ignited alpha's dying hope.

" a..r we fa...her" the boy said in his timid voice.

"We are going to get you well son soon" alpha said filled with hope. He stood in front of throne like a commoner, get on his knees kept his son on the floor with his head on alpha's chest.

"Your highness I am the alpha of werewolves present here with my son, we did a grave mistake by not bringing him here the day he born to which I paid by seeing my son in the death bed.

Now he is dying doctors said he won't be able to see this night either, I am here to plead you to give him a long life. Don't make him pay for our faults. We have learnt our lessons" alpha pleaded while clasping his hands while his son was looking at the throne with some curiosity.

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