Bride's maid

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                                                                            Elena's Pov 

I woke up Laying on Klaus's Chest I could feel his hairy chest I got up he said " stay" I said I gotta go to the restroom to get ready he said "ok, Love" then I got in the shower for 20 minutes then picked out a Grey shirt with matching pants and shoes after I put it on Klaus got in the shower for 20 minutes and picked out a black shirt with matching pants and shoes then I said ready to go home Nik he said "yeah Lena" we get in the car after packing my stuff and getting his bag we drove to the airport and got on the plane I just compelled the pilot to take us to New Orleans

hours later we just got here I open the door and Elijah, Katherine is eating I sit next to Klaus and we start talking to them then I said we're engaged! Kath gave me a look and said "Can we have a moment" Kath says in another room to me " 2 months ago you were crying about him and you left because of him now you're marrying him" I said idk know what it is I really love him he's my Stefan she said "don't bring him into this" we laughed then I explained she hugged me then said "if he hurts you again I will kill him again and again" we laughed again then I said will you be my bridesmaid she said "of course" then we went back into the dining room and talked about what we did while I was gone and we laughed we caught up

In Kath's room

we go to Kath's room and she asks me "did you date anyone while you were gone?" I said no idk ever since Klaus had broken my heart I couldn't date anyone then Klaus comes in and then leaves when he sees me then me and Kath talks about her and Elijah she says "I and Elijah are fine the sex is amazing" I said eww he's like my big brother we laugh and then we talk about her kids and when are we gonna see Nik and Bex I said idk I miss them and lot of their childhood

hours later after me and Kath caught up I went to Klaus's room and slept next to him I couldn't sleep thinking about earlier did they had something going on behind Elijah's back did he want to talk about me to her? I have questions but I forced myself to sleep I have to do a lot tomorrow at 10 pm Klaus woke up went downstairs I woke up followed Klaus then he kissed me he had heard me coming he told me he was going to his therapist then some girl just came in and said "Klaus come on its 10 pm I told you to hurry up this therapy session" I said who is this she said "Cami well Camille O'Connell" I said Klaus you one minute to come up with a lie he said "she's my therapist" I laughed I was two minutes from punching him and her then she said "are you ready for this session or not?" he said "yes" I said "hell no" than Klaus just told me to go back to sleep and I did just to make him mad tomorrow

The next day

I woke up Klaus wasn't there I called him 5 times while brushing my teeth then after that I got in the shower for 20 minutes after I got after the shower I grabbed Klaus's black shirt and my black shorts then I went downstairs sat down and said "where is Klaus I've called him 5 times" Elijah said "he's at Cami's house"  they could see the angry on my face I said "I'm going to be back" then I go to cami's house and knocked I saw Klaus and Cami looked shocked at me being there so I said,  are you going to let me in? she said "Elena come in" I walk in then I sit next to Klaus and say "it's 7 am how long have you been in her house?" she said "since last night" I said "really Klaus" then I smack him and leave then he stands in front of the door blocking me from leaving he said "Love nothing ever happened between us" I said I'm sorry but I gotta go I'm supposed to meet jackson see the difference is I never stayed out all night with Jackson and he never came to the house at 10 pm actually the only time he's ever been to the house is the wedding that never happened but ig you really like her ass hole he said "babe" then he moved out the way and I went back home I never went to meet Jackson I made that up Jackson last month Jackson left  

hours later Klaus came home and was talking to Elijah and said "brother wanna be my best man?" Elijah says "yes I've been waiting for this moment for thousands of years"  then Klaus and me sit down and talk I said that we need a cater what food are we serving he said "crab legs, steak, and Mini Blueberry Cakes, also White Chocolate Blueberry Scones and blood drinks but for the humans were inviting  Bollinger, vodka martini," I said perfect hire the cater I will pick the wedding color pink he said "Black," I said pink he said "Black," I said Pink he "fine Pink and Black," I said perfect where are we having the wedding? he said "here," I said Yeah you're right then I said I know we're inviting Elijah, Katherine, and our friends but no Camile got it he said "she's my friend though but okay," I said we have to write our vows and invitations so order them today he said, "we have three months Lena" then we laughed and then I said the theme should be cinderella theme he said "ig"

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