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                                                                           Elena's Pov

I just got back from Mystic falls I was only going for 3 days but I stayed a whole week I was still angry at Klaus and avoiding him I sat at the table eating lunch next to Kat who was sitting next to Klaus Nadia and Sadie were at their new friends for the day I was halfway done when Klaus said "what did you do Elena" I got up with my food and left Kat followed me after saying "I got this" I went to my room and just couldn't eat Kat followed me saying "what wrong Kiddo" I told her what happened she went downstairs and pulled Klaus and Elijah in a different room and said, "KLAUS WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU DID ASS HOLE" Elijah said, "what's wrong?" Kath said "Klaus slept with Caroline after kissing Elena a few hours later" and Elijah said "Klaus is a damn fool" and then I came downstairs after saying goodbye to Nadia and Sadie they were going to the movies I went in the room they were in and said just stop Klaus I realized something I can't live with you I need to be on my own I'm moving to LA I'm leaving in Thursday stood there shocked at what I said I went back upstairs and packed my clothes in one suitcase and packed my purses and shoes in one I went to a hotel after that then I hanged out with my girl, Kath and her kids I became friends with Elijah we sat around reading different books the book I was reading was The Ambition Decisions I loved it I finished half the book 

                                                                                          2 Months  later 

Klaus said "Elijah I still am in love with her I don't understand this feeling at all" Elijah said "it's called love and it's okay if you don't understand it love is messy Nik" hours later Elena woke up got in the shower for 20 minutes then she got dressed she got a knock on the door it was Klaus she let him in she said "what are you doing here Nik," he said "I have something to tell you," she said " go ahead Klaus,"  they sit on the bed and he said " I'm still in love with you matter of fact I never stopped loving you I'll do what ever you want to prove that" then he got on his knees and said "Elena Adrianna Mikayla Gilbert will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me," she thought for a minute about everything they've been through and said "Klaus I love you" she also said "yes a thousand times, yes but when we go back to New Orleans I don't want to tell them yet" then she swallowed as his thumb glided down my body his other hand layed on her waist his face now was as close she could feel his breath she kissed him then took off his pants he said "are you sure?" she said "yea" then they spent the night making love 

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