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AN: guys its been weeks later this chapter she grieving her kids now 

   Klaus walks into the house and sees blood on the floor and sees bodies  and walks around then he sees footprints and he opens the door, Elena, in the bath, says "come to check up on me" Klaus says "you've had an eventful evening" she says "I was having a crappy day so Elijah took me out to the cauldron what do you know we ran into some witches" he said, "so would you like me to remove your leftovers?" she says "turn around" she grabs a towel and said "oh don't judge Klaus what I did is no worst than anything you have ever done" he says "I would hope that hold yourself to a higher standard than Me" Klaus looks for Elijah and once he finds him he says  "you took her on a witch hunt!" 

Elijah said "I simply wanted to persuade those witches to locate the white oat stake for me when they proved unable to do so I let Elena have her fun," Klaus said, "she grows more savage by the day can you not see she is falling apart?"Elijah said Perhaps the problem is your high standards Elena is one of us now" he pauses then continues " being a vampire only exaggerates what you truly are and Wolves are wild things she knows she can never live up to the  picture you paint of her in your head Nik you're judgment only hurts her more" Klaus said "I am trying to help her" then they have an argument over it and then Klaus said "stay away from her since I can't trust you anymore Elijah" Lijah says "fine but don't ask me to help her anymore" then Elena says when she walks in "stop you two I can make my own decisions Klaus you know this I asked him to help me"  then she leaves the room 

                                                                            Elena's Pov 

I just broke up a fight between Klaus and Elijah over my killing I told them to stop you two I can make my own decisions Klaus you know this I asked him to help me then I left I  was done with it so I decided to leave for an hour and making sure they don't know where I am at I decided to go to Mystic Falls I cry all day feed all night all I can think is my daughter and son so I left to get away from that city where I saw Caroline she looked so sad still so I walked up to her and said hey she said "hey Lena" wyd I said she said "nothing wbu?" I said chilling Klaus isn't dating anyone wbu? she said "I'm just trying to self-love after I allowed myself to be disrespected by a man who said he loved me multiple times," I  said that's good because I felt what she said and I've been in her position with someone I loved he did the same thing except he didn't really like me and Klaus did like her a lot but he hurt her, in the end, I said I miss them she said "its ok Lena" and hugged me 

Guys I'm gonna end it there I kinda wanted to explore this more than her just thinking about her and Klaus's kiss which I am gonna talk about next chapter stay tuned for that I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and I really loved it I kinda wanted to make it different because Elijah was in love with Hayley so that's why he acted that way and this is not Hayley and Elijah's story byee love you guys its short this time byee. 

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