53: Not if I Kill You First

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With my mission to see Ollie transform out of the way, I thought I could finally take a step back from my friend role, starting to put that distance between us that would be necessary once we returned. Ben and Ollie seemed to have overcome their initial struggles, bonded even closer now that she was undeniably mutant. So she didn't need me anymore. At least now. And I knew my conclusion to break the bond once we returned was a deadline looming closer by the day.

With this in mind, on the afternoon of Ollie's wing progress, I decided it was time to talk some strategy with Ben. As Olivia took a shower and Erica and Jayce amused themselves in the kitchen, I asked Ben to step out for a walk with me.

We strolled in silence for a while, getting distance between us and the apartment, following the familiar narrow asphalt road past the castle ruins as the sun began to set behind the trees.

"I need to go somewhere for a while when we get back to London," I started once I was sure no one could hear us.

Brows furrowing, he paused in step, turning to look at me. "Where?"

"I was going to go to Germany... scope out what's going on there and start planning." I was covering up the part that the full intention was to put distance between me and his girlfriend, but it was evidently better he didn't know that part.

"Okay," he breathed, starting to walk again, but pressing his lips together as he thought deeply.

"While I'm gone," I then said, not looking at him as I became increasingly wary of how he would react, "You need to start training Olivia in combat."

He paused again, but I didn't notice until I had already taken a couple of steps.

Pivoting on my foot, I finally glanced at his blue eyes only to find rage pouring out of them. "She's not getting involved," he growled, voice low and demanding.

But I kept my face neutral, not giving him too much—not letting him see my full hand as we had the inevitable discussion about her strength and safety. "That's up to her to decide."

"No it's not. You know she's stupid enough to blindly follow you—"

Yet the word 'stupid' rang in my ears as it slipped from his mouth, forcing me to interrupt him. "What did you just call her?"

Ben fumbled, taking a step back at the venom seething from my tone.

"Did I just hear correctly? Did you call your partner for life stupid?"

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm his shaking hands. When he opened them, his eyes met mine with such stillness and emptiness. "She doesn't know our world. She has too much to still learn. Which means I will keep her far from it and your uncle until he is out of the picture."

Scoffing, I waved my hands at the terrain surrounding us. "Do you hear yourself? Look where we are, Ben! Did you not see her transform into a fucking fairy yesterday? We are on a trip to start her journey into magic and you think this is where it ends?"

His hands had clenched into fists by his side as his nostrils flared.

But he didn't scare me.

Taking a few measured steps towards him, I met his burning blue gaze as I glared back at him just as ferociously, stopping merely a few breaths from his face. "Whether or not her blood is used to fight my uncle is up to her. But first, it is our duty, now that she is a fairy, to train her to protect herself."

"I can protect her," he hissed, but I could hear the slight waver in his tone.

"Do you seriously think that, for a second, you would stand a chance against my uncle?"

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now