39: Bewitched Witch

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On Tuesday morning when I entered the kitchen to take my morning dose of blood pills, Ben was frowning at his phone from the dining table.

"What's got you all grumpy?" I asked, popping the supplement into my mouth before chasing it with water.

"Olivia just told me she's coming here today," he replied.

My stomach churned at the thought of seeing her again, but I reminded myself I had to wait for Ben's next move before reacting. Because if he really did want her... he was a safer option than me as a partner. "Why don't you seem pleased?"

He put his phone down on the table and looked up at me, exhausted. "I asked to pick her up so that we could spend alone time together before everyone can hear us, and she shot me down."

"And... why do you want to spend alone time with her?" I asked, hoping he'd give me some clarity on whether he had actually given up on me or... if Ollie's heart would continue to be broken by him.

Looking to the table, he began to trace the grooves of the wood. "I tried your suggestion yesterday."

"What suggestion?"

He was quiet for an immeasurable amount of time, still trailing his finger over the table. But just as I was about to press him again, he looked up at me, cheeks crimson as he said, "I kissed her on the cheek yesterday when we were alone, figuring for sure that would give her some clarity. But then she looked really sad, and I could see the tears forming in her eyes before she ran into her house."

My heart panged for the hope I had to let die again, but a wall of relief overcame me knowing Ollie was still on path to potentially winning his heart. But then the last part of his statement finally sunk in. "Did you confess?"

"I... surely that's a confession?"

Heaving a sigh, I walked the length of the room, taking the seat across from him as I stared into his eyes. "You keep giving her these gestures of romance, but she's probably still thinking about you saying you can't kiss her. So any physical act you do at this point won't be enough. You need to be honest. You need to tell her." Having lived with Ollie for four months, I knew her all too well at this point to know what she'd be thinking.

He bit his lip. "Maybe... maybe tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow? She's coming today. Just do it—"

"She's coming today so that we can test her blood to confirm if she's a fairy."

I froze, eyes searching his deadened expression, wondering how he felt about it. Some days ago he seemed intent on wanting to keep her out of our mess and now... he was convinced we needed her.

What are his intentions? I wondered.

"Let's just get today out of the way. See how it turns out," he said when I didn't reply. "And then I'll... I'll tell her." He got to his feet. "I'm going to prepare the medical room." With that, he forwarded out of the kitchen and down to the basement.

I sat there for a while, staring at his empty seat, mulling over his words and trying to figure out why he wouldn't clearly say if he wanted her.

With a sigh, I realised I was going to have to use dirty tactics to get him to confess his true feelings and finally give some clarity to Ollie... As horrible as it may be.

As I got to my feet, planning to assemble some breakfast, Jade conveniently walked in alone. And as our gazes met, an idea sparked in my mind.

"Where's Loren?" I asked.

"He, Jayce, Drake, and Ivan went exercising," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Didn't fancy joining them?" I asked, smirk spreading across my face.

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now