29: Missing Home

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December, 2018

"I don't get it," Emma then said after I had gone quiet for a while.

"Don't get what?" I asked. The light outside was starting to stream in through the window as the hallways outside of our door began to swell with life in the wake of the restaurant downstairs opening for breakfast.

"Well that's surely not the end. Something came after. You knew she was a fairy, and given that she asked you to take her memories before you—"

"Yes, there's much more to it," I cut her off.

"And?" she prompted when I didn't go on.

Heaving a sigh, I said, "And... how about some breakfast first?"

"Breakfast?" she exclaimed, almost throwing her hands up in the air. "I want to know the rest. Like how you knew she was a Terra Fairy. And you said she left a few months ago... but that story you told me ended over a year ago. What happened in all this time? Why on earth would she just leave you after all those promises? What—"

"That part that I told you was only the start of us. The innocent beginnings where we were stupid and didn't plan enough for all the..." I shook my head and took a deep breath. "No. Maybe it's not even a planning matter. I don't know. Maybe we just weren't meant to be together in the end. An ill-fated pair... Star-crossed lovers."

Emma let out a scoff in response, crossing her arms over her chest. "No. You two definitely had something special."

I cocked my eyebrow at her before I let my eyes trail over the woman currently wearing my shirt after having had sex with me.

Rolling her eyes as though she read my mind, she said, "What we did was to forget pain. Don't worry, Lukas. I'm not like falling for you or anything. I'm just a person concerned about you. Like, I just don't get it. If you two had something so special that you went through all that effort to protect each other... how have you ended up where you are?"

I let out another sigh before running a hand through my hair. "That story is much longer, and I'm starving."

"Yeah, well, food can wa—" But she didn't even have time to finish her sentence when her stomach let out a rumble.

"I don't think you can," I said, corner of my mouth turning upwards.

"Fine," she groaned. "Quick meal and then finish the story."

We both climbed out of bed, and she reached down to grab her dress.

But before she could pull it back on, we both stared at it warily. "This isn't appropriate breakfast attire," she muttered.

"How about I go get us some takeaway and bring it to the room?" I then offered.

She nodded in response, before adding, "If only we thought to order our breakfast before having sex."

I barked a laugh in response, taking myself by surprise for feeling so high-spirited.

Yet rather than being shocked, Emma shot me a knowing smile—like she had intended to make me laugh in all this.

I returned her grin and then held out an open palm. "As nice as my shirt looks on you, I will need it to get food."

"I think this is a plan to see me naked," she deadpanned.

"I mean... I won't complain."

Letting out a giggle, she pulled it off, hands awkwardly shooting up to cover her bare chest.

Turning my head away from her, I accepted the shirt as I slipped it back on, all the while she reached for her dress, getting back into it.

"Hurry back," she mumbled.

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now