Part nine

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Phil's POV

*A week later*

We were sitting in a little coffee shop, wasting time and laughing together like we did when we first became friends.

"I'll be right back," Peej said after our laughing slowly died down.

I noticed PJ quickly glance at Chris before leaving and I smiled. I knew something was up between them.

"Has PJ mentioned Evan to any of you two?" Chris questioned.

"Evan?" Dan and I said at the same time. I noticed how Dan's voice was high and I knew he was thinking of Evan Peters.

"I'm guessing he hasn't." Chris chuckled. "Peej and I met this new youtuber the other day, his name's Evan and he's brilliant! We wanted you guys to meet him!"

"Throw him at us then!" I said and Dan burst out laughed.

"I mean- gah, why do I always say the weirdest things?" I muttered and they both laughed.

"I'll invite him right now." Chris pulled out his phone and texted this Evan guy.

PJ came back and took his seat beside Chris.

"Evan's on his way!" Chris announced and they all began talking again.

I purposely dropped my napkin and with a quick "oops" I went under the table to get it and saw Chris and PJ's fingers intertwined. I knew it.

"Hey Evan!"

I swiftly tried getting back up but hit the back of my head on the table.

"Fuck," I scowled and got up.

"Evan, these two are our best friends! Dan and Phil!" Chris introduced us and I waved like the nerd I was, taking a good look at this stranger.

Brown messy hair, blue eyes, dimples, tall... he was pretty attractive. Oh, and braces. Cute.

Wait, what?

Chris kicked my leg under the table and I realized I had been staring at Evan. Oops.

"It's a pleasure to meet you guys," Evan beamed. "I'm a massive fan of yours, Phil, I love your videos!"

I smiled, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing like mad. "Thanks."

He took a seat and soon, we were all talking loudly again and laughing like old friends.

Except for Dan.

Dan's POV

He was okay, this Evan guy, although I do wish he looked more like Evan Peters.

But then I noticed Phil gazing at him and I felt my stomach twist in a sick way.

"It's a pleasure to meet you guys," Evan said happily. Then he turned to Phil. "I'm a massive fan of yours, Phil, I love your videos!"

I wanted to stop him. I wanted to hug Phil and show this Evan guy that Phil was mine. But he wasn't mine and Evan was probably just being polite. Jeez, I was so clingy. But Philip was mine. Even though he wasn't... he's mine.

Calm down, Daniel. Jesus Christ.

But the way Evan was looking- no, staring at Phil made me feel a way... a way I have never felt before.

Shut up, Dan. You're being stupid, just shut up and look happy.

"Dan, you okay?" Phil asked me.

"I'm great," I gave him the best fake smile I could pull and it obviously worked for the others but Phil knew me too well.

"Later," he mouthed and I nodded in hopes he forget by the time we got home.

But he didn't.

"What happened back there? Is everything alright?"

I sighed. "I'm fine."

"Please don't lie to me, I know that's not true." He crossed his arms over his chest, a concerned look on his face.

"Why does it matter? I'm just tired." Back with the lies.

"It matters to me, Dan! I want to help you but you're not letting me!" he threw his arms up in the air and I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have to help me, I'll be fine," I spit out the words with more force than I expected.

"I want to."

"I don't want you to."

He stopped and looked down. I felt bad as soon as I said it. I didn't mean it, I was just upset.

Phil looked back up at me with a glare and walked past me.

"Fine. Why do I even bother?" he grumble and walked into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

We never did fight. This was new and this was bad.

"Phil?" I knocked on his door.


"Phil, I'm sorry. Can we talk? I'm upset, I'm really not okay and I'm sorry for lying."

"I thought you didn't want me to help."

"I do."

We both fell silent and I opened the door cautiously. He didn't yell at me so I assumed it was okay to walk in.

"Will you tell me why you were upset back there?" he asked quietly, as though scared I would get mad again.

"I... I don't really know." I didn't want to admit that I had gotten... jealous. It seemed to stupid and ridiculous now.

"Was it Evan? Did he make you uncomfortable? Did Chris say something?" Phil was trying so hard to find out what was wrong and it made me feel like someone actually cared but at the same time, I felt bad for him.

"No- well, when Chris made the joke about me being single for the rest of my life..." I trailed off. After Evan had sat down, we had all started talking and Chris had made a joke about me being single forever and, I mean, it was probably true but it still hurt; I had forced a laugh, though.

But that wasn't the problem. I wanted Phil and I was never gonna get him.

"Oh." Phil mumbled, looking a bit more relaxed. "Do you want me to talk to him?"

"No, it's fine, don't worry, I'm over it. Besides, Chris was just joking."

"Ok... alright."

It went silent again. We've been much more quiet around each other then usual and it was starting to make me anxious.

"Do you know about Chris and PJ..?" Phil said out of the blue and I gave him a puzzled look.


"Well, PJ told me he has a massive crush on Chris and today I saw them holding hands under the table." Phil smirked and I laughed.

"Really?!" I exclaimed. "I knew it! Yes! We've got to ask them! No wonder Chris has stopped complaining about being single!"

Phil laughed and his tongue poked out from the side of his mouth.

God, he was so adorable.


I'm in class XD sO bAdAsS oH EM GEE

Added some Kickthestickz in here :D what do y'all think of Evan ?!?! (He's a fictional character I just made him up because yeah and the picture of the boy on the top/side is what Evan looks like! Kinda!)

Before I get into more trouble

Byyeeee cx

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