Part seventeen

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Evan's POV

That was it. I lost him.

It wasn't that I liked him or anything, it was that I now had no one.

Almost all my life, my mum would yell at me and she was always mad at me for some reason but all her boyfriends were so much more important then me. I hated it.

When I was 13, I made the mistake to go to her to try to get help on how to get a boy I liked to like me back and that's when I told her I was gay.

She just laughed at me and called me an idiot, telling me that gay was wrong and that I was never going to get anyone. She would brag about having a boyfriend and how she was always going to have someone but I wasn't.

"You little fag, nobody wants to be around a gay boy! You're so stupid! Fix yourself up or end up alone for the rest of your life!" she would tell me and I would try.

It never worked and I had decided that I was going to show her I wasn't going to be alone and that I was going to make the world jealous when I was in a relationship.

I've been in over 15 relationships but none made me happy and I wasn't making anyone jealous. Then Phil came alone and oh, Daniel, that boy was so in love with Phil. I hated it.

I made it my mission to get Phil and make Dan jealous which worked for a while but then Phil left me and I've never felt worse. My mum could scream at me all she wanted, I was never going to feel the same way I felt that moment Phil yelled at me and kicked me out of his place.

I didn't know what it was but I wanted the pain to stop. I needed to get Phil back and make sure Dan didn't get near him before it was too late.

They could be together right now and here I was, crying over Phil and hoping the pain in my chest would fade soon.

Dan's POV

"You cheated!" Phil complained once again as we finished a game of Mario Kart 8, me in first place again.

"You said that three times! Just accept the fact that you can never beat me at anything!" I did a fist pump and looked at him.

He had a pout on his lips and his arms were crossed over his chest. "Cheater."

I smiled and watched him pucker out his bottom lip and stare at the screen.

"Stop staring at me, I'm not art." he mumbled, still pouting.

"Actually, you are the most beautiful art I've ever seen and I will not stop staring at you." I said truthfully, continuing to stare and smile.

He attempted to keep a pout but a smile ruined it and he covered his face. "Stop it!"

"Stop what?"

"Stop staring!"

"But you're pretty!"

"I don't care- wait, I'm pretty?" He lifted his head and raised his eyebrows at me.

"You're pretty, beautiful, cute, adorable, handsome, attractive-" I began listing and he covered my mouth with his hands, blushing.

I realized what I had just said and tried to say "oops sorry" which sounded like "boots are we".

He laughed and his tongue poked out from between his teeth.

"But hey, it's true!" I exclaimed.

"No, it's not!" Phil pouted again and without thinking, I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Yes it is, shut up!" I closed my eyes and continued to hug him.

I felt him hug me back, making me smile wider.

"Cuddles?" he asked quietly and shyly.

I nodded and got into my cuddling position, waiting for him to get into his position before opening my arms for him.

Once we were cuddling, he started talking about god knows what; the only thing I cared about was how adorable he looked.

"Stop being so cute, I hate you." I said in the middle of his sentence.

He blushed like mad and covered his face in my chest. "Stop it!"

"Aw, is Phil blushing?" I grinned.

"Shut up!"

"He is!"

Phil shook his head, face still buried in my chest. "Stop making me blush!"

"I made Phil blush!" I squeaked like a child which made Phil laugh and hug me.

"You're calling me cute when you're the cute one." Phil giggled and looked up to poke my cheek.

"No, stop it!" I mumbled, covering my face now.

Phil giggled again and I glanced up at him. He was just so perfect to me, flaws and all.

Then I decided to go for it.

"C-can I... kiss you?" I asked then mentally slapped myself. Jesus Dan, you're so fucking awkward.

But Phil blushed even more and gave me a small smile before nodding. "I'd love you to."

My heart began to race as my stomach flipped. Was this real life?!? He was actually going to let's kiss him! This was happening!

Immediately, I leaned in and pressed my lips onto his soft lips. God, it's been too long.

The kiss didn't last long which made me a bit sad but I got to kiss him and I was beyond pleased with that.

"I never realized how good you are at kissing." Phil mumbled and I laughed.

"You're so awkward, I love you."

"Really?" He glanced at me.

"No, I hate you because you're so cute and I can't handle it!"

He giggled again and I smiled.

I leaned in to kiss him again and this time, he didn't let me go.



I'm I'm El Salvador and I have wifi ! *does a fist pump forever* ok I'll try to update as soon as possible! It's so hot here and it makes me want to lie in a cold pool for the rest of my life omg like you'll walk out of the shower (a super cold shower) and wait like two minutes and you'll be sweating ;-; I don't sweat at all but when I'm here I sweat a lot and I hate it-

sorry omg I'm annoying and gross sorreh >~< BUT HERES A POOPY AND SMALL UODATE FOR MOW IM SOWWY




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