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{Izuku Midoriya POV}

My life has been really awful for the past eight years. Everything was great until the day when I found out I was 'quirkless ', unless that my dad was never around. My mom ussed to say that he was working somewhere in Europe, but I knew he left us, she just didn't want to hurt a little child.

That was untill SHE found out I was quirkless. That day was the start of my living hell.


"Why aren't you saying anything? OI DEKU!" said 'more like yelled ' my so called childhood friend, with small explosions coming out of his palms. 

That made me come out of my toughts, good thing I didn't start to mumble to myself. Kacchan would have been so mad at me if I would've started muttering.

 "You want to die today nerd?" he yelled again.

"No, sorry Kacchan! I didn't mean to ignore you." sometimes I just really want him to be six feat under the ground, I don't even know why I'm apologizing to him. 

"You better not ignore me next time!" he said ' yelled ' as he pushed me down to the ground. I felt my head hit the loockers with a loud thud folowing right after.

 I hope my head wont start to bleed again. I tried to touch the back of my head to make sure I'm not bleading, but Kacchan doesnt like the idea of me doing that, and stops my hand by grabbing it with his "What do you think you are doing? YOU WASTE OF SPACE!" as he says that he pushes me, and now I'm completely lying down on the ground.

I see some other students and even some teachers walk by, but no one tries to stop Bakugou from hurting me. But of course 'Why would we help some quirkless boy, he's usseles to us anyways ' is what everyone is thinking. I can't wait to leave this shity place called school. To bad I have to stay here for two more years. 

And YES, I just called Bakugou, by his last name. I don't use it while talking to anyone tho, just  so they dont question it and give it some unwanted attention.

I hear the bell ring, meaning its time for class to start "You're lucky that classes started, bastard!" said Bakugou walking of to the classroom. 

Thank good this is the last class for the day. The classes ussually go by fast, because I use them to sleep. I don't get a lot of sleep at home, so this is the next best choice. The teacher doesn't care anyways. 

'Why don't I get a lot of sleap at home' you may ask. Well.. its simple actually, I don't feel safe in this place I call 'home'. I then use the time I'm awake to learn and read books, and turns out I really like coffe, so I basically live off of it.


The class ends, and I storm out of the classroom as fast as I can. I know that the angry boom boom boy will want to torment me after school too, and that would make me go home later and get a beating for that too. I don't want that, so I better be back home in time.

I run out of school and go on the street. I turn to the side where the place I live at is located. I go into the center part of the city, as my house is located at the other side of it "God I hate big crowds.." I say silently to myself. 

I walk by a marketplace and see a group of kids around my age having fun. "They must be happy, living a life like that.." I sigh and attemp to continue my way home, but I hear some people screaming. I look up, and see someone falling down.

The falling person lands, but at his impact with the ground, a sudent wave of strong wind comes my way. I got sent flying in to the marketplace I was just looking at.

I try to stand up, but I can't. My leg feels wierd. I sit up, as it is the only thing I can do for now. I see that some shattered glass peaces are in my leg, but I can feel that thats not the reason I can't stand up "I think my leg is broken.." I say loudly to myslef. 

No one could hear me anyways, every one is screaming and runing around. I look out to the place I was just standing at.  I saw All Might standing in the place that the falling person landed 'It must have been All Might that was falling!' I stated the obvious in my mind.

'That must mean he is the reason I can't walk right now. ' this started my hatred for All Might, my once all time favorite hero. 

Turns out he was fighting some villain, that looks so weak, that he should have defeeted him with only one punch, but NO he must make a scene so he gets more attention. 

By now every one has run out of the marketplace, without trying to help me. And I am once again left alone with no one helping me ' I'll definetly get a beating at home for being this late ' How can toughts like this run tough my mind while there are litteraly glass shards in my perhaps broken leg? That fucking woman has done her part in making me mentaly unstable! 

While i try to drag myself out of the marketplace, an explosion comes my way. At first I tought that the villain, All Might was fighting, had a similar quirk to Bakugous, but turns out I was wrong. I saw Bakugou try to fight the villain even tho All Might was there. That fucking pomeranian with his stupid big ass ego! I hate him so mutch, I hate him with my whole soul.. but I have a possibility to escape from this afful life I live in, thanks to him now.

I had already acepted my death until sdudently I dont feel the cold ground I was just half sitting on, It felt like a hospital bed. I hear voices yelling around me, but I can't understand anything they are saying. My eyes start to feel heavier.. I don't want to close them, what if I'm in one of the...........


I woke up with a screem. 

OH NO! What have I done now, they will come in and I'll get a beating for yelling.

I hear the door opening, but insted of the person I tought would come in, came a tall man with snow white hair and red eyes "How are you feeling?" the white haired man asked.

I was afraid to answer at first, but something inside of me told that I can trust him "I don't- I don't really know." I look down at my leg, witch was full of shatered glass. I see the leg wrapped up in bandages. That's something new, I never get my bruises wrapped up "Who are you?" I ask looking back up at the man in a silent voice.

"My name is Hisashi Suzuki." said the man. The name sounds familiar somehow. I guess he saw the face I made while thinking of his name "You probably know me as Hisashi Midoriya, atleast I hope so." It finaly hit me "Dad?" I asked.

"I finaly found you, my son!" he paused for a moment, I guess he saw the face I was making, I bet my face expresion said 'you left me, why would you want to find me' but then he countinued "You're mother had put some protective kind of quirk over you, so I would not be able to find you." he paused another time, this time I wanted to speak, but he continued " I'm sorry I didn't get to you faster!" 

"D-dad..how am I here? I was about to get exploded into peaces" I said still processing what he just told me.

"About that.. Im the leader of the infamous League of Villains, and we have a guy with a teleportation quirk, so he saved you." he just said something that will take me a long time to process.

"Oh.." was the only thing I could say at that moment.


Hope you like it!

And yes I changed Hisashis original last name (Midoriya) to Suzuki for fanfiction purposes.

1401 words

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