Chapter Twenty-three

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Williams and the rest of the healers worked on me in silence. They had brought a case with them and in it were enough syringes, liquids and scalpels to make me feel a bit queasy. They were soon readying a syringe, flicking their fingers against the purple liquid inside it. Bubbles floated menacingly within it.

"Err, I don't think you want to watch this," Luke said, not sounding too well either. He angled my head so I was looking up at his chin. A faint stubble had begun growing.

"That's a big syringe," I called out, admittedly squirming a bit. "You're not gonna put that in me, are you?"

"She needs to stay still for this," I heard Williams say by my feet.

Eros leant over me, his beautiful face making me calm down a bit. Only a bit. The concern in his eyes made me uncomfortable though. He put a hand to my cheek, brushed some hair from my face.

"You know I wouldn't let you get hurt. This is for your own good, trust me."

"Trust you?" I squeaked.

Eros nodded once, somewhat calmly. I tried to ignore the slight tremor in his hand. "Yes. Isn't that what we promised each other? By the lake?"

"The lake?" Luke piped up from beside me.

I gulped, feeling someone squeeze the skin on the side of my stomach, preparing to inject me. For some reason, I closed my eyes - then I nodded. I suppose Eros gave them the go-ahead because I soon felt the needle puncture my skin. It was strange, the way I could sense whatever they injected begin to travel through my body.

It was tingling - and warmth spread right beneath my skin.

My eyelids fluttered open on their own accord, the same sensation flowing through them as the rest of my body.

"What was that?" Eros asked, watching my face, his own tense and pale.

"It's for the more injured wolves, but I see no reason it shouldn't work for humans," Williams answered, not sounding too confident. "She looks better."

"She looks high."

"I feel high," I agreed with Luke.

"We can only wait."

"Fine." Eros exhaled a breath I suspected he'd been holding onto for a while. "Everyone leave. I'll call you if you're needed."

"My highness," came an opposing voice from the corner. "I need to speak to you."

The healers were very professional, I only saw about five looks being exchanged between them as they left; confusion, fear and a tad bit excitement. But that may have just been the drugs talking.

Eros wasn't holding it together nearly as well. Did I spot a small inkling of fangs sprouting as he spoke?

"Alheera, I'll find you later."


"When she's well."

"And if she isn't?"

Yes. Now I definitely saw fangs gleam, just past his lips. "Then I'll find you all the same."

I wasn't sure if we were alone after that. I wasn't certain I was even in there. Had I sunk into Eros' lap? Through the bed and into the floor? I felt as if though I was watching me, watching him maneuvering me under the covers. And Luke was there too, hovering around a bit, worried. I felt a bit sad for him, a bit deceitful; there he was, floating just out of the inner, intimate circle between me and Eros tucking me in.

"Hey, Luke, I think I'm having a bad trip."

"What does that mean?" Eros said, looking a bit feverish as his eyes shot around. "A trip?"

"Don't worry," Luke hurried, flying to my side. "Hey, don't worry, Cindy."

"I think..." My fingers gripped the covers, and I was suddenly very thankful for Luke's hands gripping me and Eros patting my forehead - I had a terrible feeling I would fly away if they didn't. "I think I'm on fire."

"Hey, Cindy, remember the first time you tried edibles?"

Somewhere far off I laughed, and nodded.

Luke nudged me. "Yeah, well, remember how horrible you felt? Like you couldn't breathe? You begged me to call an ambulance."

The memory was real, palpable - welcomed. I drifted closer. Gravity carefully grasped me.

"It was summer. In the chocolate factory--"

"You bastard, you didn't let me call 911." I saw him, sort of, and tried to smile. I didn't feel my face and suspected it hadn't worked. "I thought I was going to die."

"But you didn't. Remember what I said? It's all in your head."

"Not this time..."

Luke nudged me again, a bit harder. "Remember, you felt better after a while."

I did. I think. The memory wasn't all there, clouded by anxiety and fear. I somewhat recalled warmth, and the smell of deodorant. Now I felt my smile. "You hugged me. God, I rode that high for a week."

"Yeah, you were obsessed with me, you creep."

"You knew?"

"Cindy, everybody knew."

"Yikes." I put my hands against my face, making Eros retract his. "God, maybe I want to die."

"I think you should sleep," Eros said softly. He looked calmer.

"Eros... you're beautiful." Silence. "Will you sleep with me? Here."

Luke choked. "That's my cue. I'll head back out. Call me if something happens."

"It won't," Eros responded purposefully. Then gave a nod to Luke, a grateful, lingering one. "Thank you."

"You're beautiful," I repeated once Luke left, wondering if I'd really even said it out loud the first time around. "You're beautiful."

"Are you cold?"

"No. You're beautiful."

"Too hot?"

"No, you're beautiful."

"So you're comfortable?"

"Yes." I put my hand on his. "Sleep here with me. Please."

"Cindy. I need to speak to Alheera."

"What's the point? They all know. Postpone the hell for a few hours and sleep with me. Please. You're so beautiful when you sleep."


I threw back the covers. Patted the bed. Prayed that would be enough.

Warmth. Cloth. The smell of pine and snow. Eros soon held me close underneath the covers, keeping me from floating off. Despite the clothes between us I felt warm, nice intimacy swell within my chest. I settled into his chest. Yawned. Maybe he did the same, I couldn't quite tell.

And then I was gone.

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