Chapter Sixteen

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The night ended quickly - at least for me. I was sent to my - or, I suppose Eros' - room which was a small bedroom in the same style as the rest of the house. It was a bit ways from the kitchen but the lanterns hanging off the walls made me feel secure, despite walking on my own. The men's hushed voices grew faint as I maneuvered the hallways, following Alheera's directions.

Right, left, left.

As I'd reached for the knob of the wooden door, just barely seeing the patterns etched into it in the dim lighting, someone opened it from the other side. I jumped back as my eyes met honey ones.

"There are some clean clothes left for you - and I drew a bath."

The woman scurried past me, just nodding in quick acknowledgement, before I could say anything in response. How had she even known I was coming? I hadn't seen Alheera send anyone off to deliver the message. I looked after her but couldn't deny the way clean clothes and a bath was calling to me.

Within the hour I'd bathed in what looked more like a cauldron than anything else, brushed through my hair with a hefty hair brush left in the bathroom and put on the large shirt that had been laid out for me. It was clearly not meant for a woman but I definitely wasn't going to complain. Alongside it were folded pants, underwear, a thick wool shirt and boots. Next to that was what I assumed to be Eros' pile, which I didn't look through after a moment of deliberation.

The bed was heavenly.

I immediately snuggled up underneath the covers, stretching my weary muscles. God, it felt good to have a mattres underneath me. I bet Luke was as exhausted as I was, but he had to stay with the men as to not blow his cover. I tried to feel sorry for him, I really did, but it wasn't long before my eyes filled with gravel and I had to succumb to the darkness.

I dreamt of wolves. And a bloodied crown, dropping to the floor, right by my feet.

The sound of the golden crown hitting the ground woke me up from my sleep.

Whereupon I realised it had been the door making the noise.

My room was dark, the lantern had gone out. I tried to distinguish anything in the darkness, peeking out from between the sheets and damp hair. My eyelids hung heavy, but my body was everything but sleepy.

"Don't be scared."

"Who is it?" I whispered back, my voice barely carrying the words.

Steps neared. Heavy ones. I couldn't decide on what to do before a face appeared above me. It was sharp and dark - but familiar.


"I apologize for scaring you, I didn't realise you might've gone to bed. I'm not used to... sharing a room."

"Oh yeah?" I rubbed my eyes but didn't make a move to get up. The room was cold, the kind of cold early mornings held, but I was very warm underneath the covers. "What about your 'female companions'?"

"I apologize if I offended you." Eros walked away from the bed and began going through the clothes I'd put on the small desk in the opposite corner of the room.

"It's fine. What time is it? And is Luke okay?"

"Luke is fine, the men are going to take care of him. And it's... four o'clock."

"Holy shit, aren't you tired?"

"I don't sleep much."

"You guys don't need as much sleep as humans do, I guess."

Eros paused, shrugged. "We do. I just don't sleep much. There is too much to do."

"All the time?"

"All the time."

I sighed and mustered enough will power to throw the covers back next to me, revealing the left side of the bed. Cold air wafted onto me. I patted the mattres. "Come here."


"You're not useful to anybody while tired." I patted the mattres again, harder this time. "So, come on."

The room was quiet for a while, and I almost thought he'd left. But just as my eyes shut once more, the bed dipped next to me. I felt the familiar presence of an adjoining body. He was on his back, hands at his sides, for which I was grateful. I wasnt sure I'd be able to think straight otherwise.

"So, Alpha Alheera is going to help us."

"Yes," Eros said to the ceiling. "As many men as he can spare will travel as near the royal castle as possible and then lay in wait. Once we need them, if we need them, they'll be near to help."

"Like backup." I looked at him, just barely making out his silhouette on the pillow next to me. "But how will they know when you need help? Do you have cellphones?"

"No. We have... instict-like connections between us. If strong enough, many of us can communicate without having to speak."

"No way. Like... telepathy."

Eros didn't respond, but I suspected he wasn't sure what I meant. Alpha Alheera must've used that connection to let the woman know I was here, the one who prepped my room.

"You asleep?"


"Me neither."

"I sense you're tired. You can sleep."

"I don't know..." I swallowed. "Do you think we're safe here?"

"Yes." For the first time, I heard his head shift towards me. "I assure you, I will make sure nothing happens to you."

I hummed. "I guess it's a bit scary still. All of this. When I really think about it."

Eros' head shifted again, while mine remained square on my pillow. "I see. How can I make it easier for you?"

"Can I... hold your hand?"


Fuck, that was so embarrassing.

"Actually," I laughed meekly, "nevermind."

I went to turn away but was stopped as a warm palm found the middle of my arm. It slid down the length of my skin, leaving goosebumps in its tracks, before finding my hand and settling into it. My face flushed, but the skin-on-skin contact was nice.

I'm not sure when I properly fell asleep, but it certainly happened quick after that.

"Thank you."


Bit short chapter but I just hope you all are staying safe given what's going on in Europe right now.

We all gotta make sure we take care of each other.


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