Chapter Fourteen

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"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Does it hurt? Y'know, when you..." I made a vague face, baring my teeth and growling. "Transform."

Eros looked a bit amused. He let go of me but didn't move far away. His movements in the water were far more effortless than mine. Being alone, I suddenly felt very cold.

"No," he said, then paused and furrowed his brows thoughtfully. "Actually, yes. The first times, it's unbearable, but it's part of our nature and the body craves it as much as it fears it - like birth."

"Wow. It's unbelievable, really."

"I know you think I'm horrific," he offered, beginning to move back towards the shore. "I see how you look at me in my primal form - you're disgusted."

"Wait!" I swam after him, growing red as he ascended from the water. His ass was as chiseled as the rest of him and I couldn't help but snap a mental picture - or ten. "I'm definitely not disgusted by you, how can you say that?"

"It's okay." He pulled his pants on, turned to me where I was still in the water. "My vow is to protect you, despite what you think of me."

I exited the water.

Eros' eyelids lowered just a bit, casting a shadow over his typically bright yellow. His eyes moved down, then up, then away. He grabbed my jacket, handing it to me, and I noted his knuckles were whitening from the stone grip.

"Listen," I began, draping the jacket over me. It fell just below my ass and made Eros comfortable enough to look at me again. "You don't know what you're talking about. I've met some real gross men, trust me, but you're not one of them. I'm just not a dog-person."

Eros eyed me for a second, then nodded. "Right."

"I don't think we'll get through this unless we trust each other."

"You're right." He held out a hand for me to shake. "We're good."

As I grabbed his hand, his face fell. He pulled me closer. Eyeing my face, staring at my lips.

Are we going to kiss?

"Your lips are blue."

"Oh." I swallowed, feeling stupid. "Uh, yeah, it's getting pretty cold."

"Come." Eros pulled me close. My cheek went against his chest and I felt his arms envelop my torso. He paused. "This isn't going to work, you need more warmth than this. Come on, I'll make you a fire."


"How come you don't smell like total shit?"

Me and Luke sat waiting by the dead fire. The others were gone staking the surrounding area before we'd leave for the day, head separate ways. The forest was bright again, albeit still cold. I'd slept in Eros' fur tonight and smelled like wet dog - but it was better than what I'd smelled like earlier.

"Well," I trailed, scratching the back of my head. I suddenly felt a bit embarrassed, not sure why. The memories of my naked body emerged - closely followed by the memories of Eros'. "I'm not sure."

"Your hair is looking clean, too."

"What is this? An interrogation?"

Luke's eyes were narrowed. "Cindy."

"Alright, calm down! I went and swam in the lake last night."

"Wasn't it cold?"

"No, actually not. This place is so weird - it was pretty warm."

"Well why didn't you wake me up?"

Thankfully I didn't have the opportunity to answer as a pack of large wolves appeared from the trees. The one I'd begun recognising as Eros stood in front, eyeing the two of us. He lowered his head, urging me to get on.

"We'll talk," Luke said with a meaning look before heading off to a smaller wolf a few meters away, presumably Frill.


This time, as night fell, I'd spent the entire day on Eros' back. My thighs ached as I plopped down by Luke. Once again, everyone was already there but there was no fire. Instead, the men were huddled, talking, and Luke sat a bit ways off. I stretched my legs in front of me and cursed myself for not bringing a change of clothes, as if that would've even been possible.

"You good?"

"Yeah, just tired. What's going on?"

Luke nodded but his eyes were a bit off. He sighed. "They said we're going to be at Alpha Alheera's tonight. We're early. It's close by, apparently."

"Oh," I trailed. "Tonight..."

"Yeah... let's hope we don't smell too human."

"Guess we'll find out."


Sorry, shorter chapter. I have exams coming out the wazoo, I'll see y'all soon!

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