Chapter Twenty-one

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"You what?"

"Okay, calm down. And shush!"

I was back in the kitchen. Night had settled in the forest and the warriors were sat on all available surfaces, eagerly scooping food out of wooden bowls. It was some kind of stew. I'd been afraid to ask more questions than that.

Luke and I stood tucked away in the corner, our own bowls clutched closely. I'd done the mistake of telling Luke what had happened with Eros. Granted, I didn't give him all the details, but judging by his face I didn't need to.

"Cindy, you can't just-- God!"

"I got it, I got it," I shot back, wishing I could climb into the stew and die. "Don't even tell me."

"Oh, I'm gonna tell you, alright. This was a really bad idea. I told you, these animals get obsessed. You thought it was bad before? We're doomed now."

"Well, he did tell me something..."

"What did he tell you?"

Gore's training sessions seemed a whole lot more merciful now. I kept my eyes on the ceiling, doing my best to avoid Luke in my peripheral. My voice lowered to a squeak. "He said that I'm his."

Luke put a hand to his forehead as if ready to faint. "Oh my God..."

"I know okay? I messed up!"

"Messed up? Cindy, interspecie relationships aren't condoned for a reason."

I grimaced. "Okay, well, don't make it sound like that."

"It is like that."

"You don't get it."

"Oh, I get it."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"No, you don't."

"You're such a slut." Luke threw his hands up. "Sorry, it's not politically correct but it is accurate. You're a huge slut."

"Easy on the huge," I grumbled.

"Why? You weren't."

I groaned, tossing my spoon back into the bowl. "Please just tell me how to fix it!"

Luke stood silent for a moment, eyeing the men around us. It was calmer now that everyone ate. They didn't have time to give us any attention at all, which I was thankful for. I'd decided to be the last one to leave, realizing I'd have to spend the night with Eros. I had no idea what he was thinking, nor what was in store for me now that I'd apparently crossed some imaginary boundary.

"I think... you'll have to talk to him."

"Luke, you dont get it. You should've seen him. He looked like I'd stabbed him - or he'd stabbed me."

Luke got a thoughtful look on his face and turned to me, lowering his voice a bit. "I once read something about how mating is a pretty big deal for werewolves, I don't know if it's true."

"Ew, mating?" I rolled my eyes. "Besides, if royals have 'companions' then shouldn't they be really bonded to them then? I doubt they only hang out."

"Mating isn't the same as sex. When werewolves choose someone, and they mate, the bond really deepens."

I thought back to Eros' hurt look and the way he'd hurried out the room and realized Luke might be right.


"I honestly dismissed the idea, it does sound like a romantic myth. But if it's true then that would be really interesting," Luke went on. "Yeah, you need to talk to him."

"I'm not sure I can."

"You're going to have to." Luke pointed to the opposite side of the room where Eros had just entered the kitchen. "He's here."

Eros' power still caught me off guard. As he entered, the room quieted a bit more, and he instantly was handed a bowl. He didn't even say anything, nor did he give any kind of hint to his thoughts. His gaze swept over the crowd, intimidatingly stoic, and only rested on me for a split second too long before continuing.

He nodded to some men saluting and then exited once again, leaving with the bowl. Luke gave me a shove. I quickly gathered my courage and gave him my empty bowl, hurrying towards the opening of the kitchen.

As I exited into the hallway, I was surprised to see Eros waiting by the door leading to the porch. I suppose I suspected more of a chase. He was leaning against the wall, eating his stew, and his eyes drifted to me as I neared. It was stupid of me to think Eros would ever run from someone.


"Hi. Is there a problem?"

"Well, you tell me." I leant against the wall next to him, making sure my arm didn't graze his. "Are we good? You left in a hurry."

Eros nodded, not revealing much. "Yes. We're good. I apologize for my overstepping, I assure you it won't happen again - you can feel safe."

"No, you didn't overstep," I assured a bit too quickly. "I actually thought I was the one overstepping."

He was silent for a bit. Then pushed off the wall. "Don't torture me like this. It's unfair. You couldn't have possibly believed that."

"Well, you're the one that left."

"Because you rejected me."

I gave a quick laugh, devoid of humor. "What? Because I didn't say that I'm yours? That you own me? Of course you don't! Did you forget that I'm not actually your whore?"

"I'm sorry for assuming things. Of course I don't own you."

Eros began walking away but I couldn't leave it at that. Without much thought, I grabbed his arm. He turned to me with an alarmed look, glancing back towards the kitchen to make sure nobody saw.

Swallowing my fear, I let him go but took a step closer. "Did you think we were going to mate?"

Eros' stone facade broke for a brief moment. Something flickered across his face, something making the pit of my stomach twist and squirm.

This time, as he left, I didn't force him to stay.


Hmmm interesting...

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