Chapter Fifteen

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Alpha Alheera's place wasn't the hole in the ground that I'd admittedly expected. Actually, it was neither hole nor ground - it was a village. It started off with a few cabins appearing in the darkness, which we quickly hurried past as a group, but soon became cobbled streets and more tightly knit houses. They lined the path we walked. The windows were dark, the doors closed. The architecture was unlike any I'd ever seen, but it was what I would imagine a typical mountain village to look like.

"Where is everyone?"

"There are no rules anymore," one of the men said from behind me, sounding grave. "Your guess is as good as mine."

"The only one who matters right now," Eros added, "is the man in that house."

He didn't point but he didn't need to, it was pretty obvious what house he meant. It sat at the end of the path, tall, watching over the village. The windows were glowing, but I wasn't sure that brought me any more relief than dread.

We arrived far sooner than I'd liked.

Eros rapped against the door once then stepped back, obstructing my view.

I wondered if we were all holding our breaths.

Luke certainly was.

It was deadly quiet on the other side of the door, and for a long moment I dared to hope that nobody would answer. I attempted to swallow the large stone in my throat and tried to find Eros' gaze. Maybe this was a sign to head home, after all.

"I don't think he's coming."

As if he'd been waiting to make an entrance, Alpha Alheera appeared at the door. He didn't swing it open, ready to attack, but his movements weren't exactly welcoming either. He was old. And tall. I saw the white of his head peeking up from behind Eros' shoulder - I also saw his squinting eyes.

"Alpha Alheera." Eros put a fist to his chest, moving carefully. I sensed why, the old man at the door looked paranoid.

Alpha Alheera stepped out onto the porch, blinking as if to adjust his eyes to the dark. He seemed to perk a bit as he laid eyes on the men (I was still practically stored away behind Eros' back).

"Prince Eros!" Alpha Alheera's own fist slammed to his chest. "You're alive."

"I am, but I haven't gotten away easy."

"I can tell. You all look terrible."

"Alpha Alheera..." Eros stepped a bit closer. "Could we come in? We need to speak. I know this is alot to ask given the situation and the risk--"

The old man held up a palm, becoming the first man I'd ever seen make Eros quiet. "You and your men are most welcome - and I suspect you're right about having to talk. Come, come."

We all huddled inside. Alpha Alheera remained on the porch until we had all gotten inside, eyeing the village and the surrounding meadow. After he closed the door, he let a heavy bolt fall into place behind it. We all eyed it. He sighed. "It's been a hard few weeks. Come."

The house was like something pulled out of a fantasy novel. Everything was clearly home-made, either by Alpha Alheera or his pack members. Wooden tables, countertops and chairs, not a single one identical, stood ready in the dim light of lanterns hanging off the walls. The kitchen was small, just a humble wood-burner and cabinets, but it was clear that the man living here was a man of influence.

We all sat down by a round, dark table. Eros made sure to sit right by me - and Alpha Alheera made sure to be opposite us.

"Now who's this? Travelling with a female?"

"I'd like to keep it discreet, but I'm sure you can guess why a prince may keep a young female around. The nights can get lonely."

Alpha Alheera nodded knowingly.


"What's happened here since my father's death?" Eros made an undetermined motion to Frill who immediately got up and moved to the kitchen. "Where is your pack?"

"They're safe," Alpha Alheera assured. "And so are you. For tonight. Us being so close to the crown, everyone had the same idea and came here looking for you around the time of your father's death. I have had to change tactics in my security, my fastest wolves are patrolling the grounds while the rest of my warriors rest safely alongside their pack members. It's the only way to make sure they don't burn out. They're in the cellars - right underneath here."


Frill had begun making tea, easily navigating Alpha Alheeras kitchen. He moved quickly and soon there were cups filled with something green, steaming smelling like flowers in front of us. I grabbed the ceramic cup, bringing it close. The heat was welcomed.

Alpha Alheera eyed me but then moved his gaze to Eros. "God," he said, "I thought you were dead. Nobody has seen you. Where have you been?"

Eros tensed a little, just enough for me to notice. He took a sip of the tea, which I took as a sign that I could safely drink it too. "Laying low. I lost nearly all my men."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I was found out. Besides," he placed the cup down and put his elbows on the table, "I am going to make a play for the crown."

Alpha Alheera didn't say anything at first. He took his time, drinking his tea. Then he sighed. His eyes met Eros. "I've lost alot of men these last few weeks - even more pack morale. My people are worried, scared even. There are only two ways to ensure this hell ends: either you take the throne, or you die."


Real tense silence.

"And I would be happy to see you take the throne and punish the men who have done this to our land."

Luke and I shared a look.

Thank God.


I've been sick but I'm back!!

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