Chapter Four

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I refused to look back at Luke. My feet stomped through the snow which had begun making its way through my sneakers. I barely felt it.

"You can't ignore this, Cindy! You saw it too - you saw him." Luke pulled on my jacket. Thoughts of tonight's events rushed through my mind and made me jump away. "You can't just go home and hide under the covers."

"Yes I can," I hissed, pulling my arm away from him. Maybe it was the darkness covering his face but it struck me that he didn't look crazy anymore.

That scared me.

"Cindy," Luke persisted. "I told you what I was doing. You chose to come."

"That's not fair! How was I supposed to know it was real? It's ridiculous!" I wasn't sure why I tried to laugh - maybe I wanted him to join in, agree that what happened tonight wasn't possible - but it was a sad attempt.

A howl echoed in the distance, like an airstrike siren.

"Cindy, I don't know what to tell you. You're in this now - with me."

I shot my finger out at him. "Stay the fuck away from me."

"Alright, go home." Luke motioned to my mom's house a few lawns down. "I'll come by tomorrow."

"No you won't!" I retorted, already hurrying away, drawn to the warm light in my bedroom window like a moth to a flame. "You won't come."

"Sleep tight, Cindy! Lock your doors! We'll talk strategy tomorrow!"

I didn't answer. I hadn't realized I was running until I slid onto the porch, hurrying into the house. Only once the door shut behind me and I was in the safety of my hallway did I allow myself to breathe.

And I had no idea what to do next.


I woke up with an unusual feeling in my gut. I was in my bed, huddled underneath the covers, but my body was quivering - goosebumps had scattered across my skin.

My window was open, I realized as my eyes adjusted to the dark. White flakes were floating into my room, dancing alongside the curtains. My nose was runny, and my toes hurting.

But I didn't get up to close it.

A pair of eyes were glowing in the corner of my room. They were attached to a large, dark shape leaning against my desk. A man - but not any man.

I'd recognise those eyes anywhere.

"You're awake."

"I am."

My voice wasn't shaking, but it sounded frail enough to snap in half. I wondered if my time had come - if my name was to join the growing list of missing people in Hillstone. I wondered if Luke would be looking for me.

"You're scared," the man said - his voice wasn't particularly loud but it had a strength to it that seemed to quake the room.

"I am," I repeated meekly. "Look, I don't know who you think I am or what I did but--"

"You shot me."


The man paused for a second. Then he pushed himself away from the desk. He looked a little around the room, and I got a view of his size in the moonlight.

He wasn't four meters.

But he wasn't too far off.

His frame was broad and muscular, deadly, and he towered over me from where I had further shrunk into my bed. He had long hair - it hung down his back - with small braids and beads scattered throughout it.

He had come very near. So near that I had to look up to see his face.

"You came looking for me. Why?"

My heart got firmly lodged in my throat. "I didn't. I was just looking out for my friend."

"Your friend," he echoed. His eyes didn't hold the same glow as a minute ago, but they were unmistakable still. His irises held a yellow hue, making it hard to mistake him as human. "Your friend wanted to kill me."

"No, I wouldn't say that--"

"And you stopped him." In a maneuver so unexpected that it made a suffocated scream escape my throat, the man kneeled down by me. I got a close up of his face. It was as masculine and animalistic as the rest of him. "You hung onto the gun. You saved my life."

I didn't dare speak.

"What is your name?"

I'm going to pass out.

"Cindy Williams."

"Cindy Williams," he repeated, letting my name roll around in his mouth. He eyed me for a second. "Cindy is the name of my saviour."

A snowflake landed on my eyelash. In the time it took for me to blink, the man had leant down further and slid the binder out from underneath the bed. He looked at it for a second, turned to the first page.

"That's not mine," I said quickly. "I'm holding it for a friend."

"I see." Yellow eyes pierced mine. To my surprise, he put the binder back down. "I will not disturb you much longer. I came to declare that until I get a chance to save your life as you did mine, I am now indebted to you - you're my mistress."

"That's okay," I squeaked. "It's really no big deal."

The man lowered his head, put his hands onto the side of my bed. His voice was solemn as he spoke. "Cindy of William, please accept my offer to lay down my life for you, the life that you saved."

My heart skipped. I looked at his prayer-like stance, wondering if this was my shot to run to the door. But I quickly decided against it, seeing the muscles in his arms flex.

"No," I managed to get out. "It's okay, I don't want you indebted to me."

"Are you rejecting me?" His voice was strained from where he spoke into the ground, almost hurt. "Do you not deem me fit to protect your life?"

"Yes! Of course I do," I said before I could stop myself, scared by the tone of his voice.

"Good. Then it is decided. Cindy," he finally looked up at me, a much to indecipherable look on his face, "you are now under my protection."

I tried to smile but suspected I looked as scared as I felt. "Luke is going to kill me."

"I assure you he will not." The man's voice turned into a growl, wiping the smile off my face in an instant. He rose to his feet, balled his hands into fists. "If this Luke attempts to take your life, then he will be my first target."

"No! No, of course he wouldn't."

His eyes flashed brightly for a second. Then he looked to the window.

Somewhere far away, a howl rung through the night.

I sunk further into bed as he once again turned to me. Something was happening to his face, it seemed more angular and rough by each second. His eyes were becoming brighter, and I wondered if my eyes were playing tricks on me or not - after all, everything seemed possible since last night.

"I am Eros... Do not be so afraid." He straightened his back a little, then moved to the window, putting a naked sole to the sill. "I'll see you soon, mistress."

And then he was gone.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the window, slamming it shut. I dared to look out into the neighborhood and swore I could see something down there.

Two eyes, glowing and feral, attached to the biggest wolf I'd ever seen.


Omggg!! Things are heating up. Can't wait for next chapter.

Let me know what you think!

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