255 13 3

Spring 20, 881

Though she talks to me just fine, I know that she's still mad at me.

Just like today.

I know that she painted Akash. But she gave the painting to Azeil Laskaris instead. That kid, how dare he accept something my Alea made?

Also right now, I called her to my office yet she is unusually quiet.

I have sent her shiny jewelries that she always loves. Swords, a silver mine, and the dresses tailored by the famous Britney Lewis. None of them seemed to bring smile on her face.

"Don't you like the gifts?"

"I'm grateful for the gifts, father. Thank you."

See? She even calls me father. I don't like that! I want her to call me Papa.

"I'm sorry."

"Why? You did nothing wrong." she replied right away.

My chest feels so tight. I don't want to see her like this. I want her to smile and laugh happily, calling me Papa...

"Alea." I called.

"Yes?" she answered, but her eyes aren't staring to mine.

She just stand there stiffly, staring into nothing.

"I'm sorry about that day..."

"What day?"

I gulped, "... when I made a decision for you."

"Don't remember."

I sighed and walked to her side, "Alea. Please understand that I'm worried about you. I must got my daughter back, and the last thing I can bare to witness is you getting hurt. I know that I'm not a good father—"

"Huaaaaaaa!!! You're cheating!!!"

Oh Akash! She cried???

What should I do? My daughter cried! Oh Akash, help!

"A-Alea!? Sorry—"

She hit my chest, "No! Stop it! Stop saying sorry!"

Alea cried louder and dropped her arms. I hugged her right away.

My poor baby.

I know that I'm not a good father towards a good daughter like her.

"You're a good father. Stop saying you're not good! I- I know that you're worried about me, yet I'm being a brat... I'm sorry Papa!"

Dear Akash, what should I do with her!?

Her heart is so wide, she apologized for mistake she didn't make.

"No, dear. It's my fault."

"Stop it! Or I'll call you uncle!"

I zipped my mouth after hearing that.

No way. I don't want that.

My baby just called me Papa, I don't want for her to stop! Being called father is already a nightmare, I don't event want to imagine to be called uncle.

"Alright. Stop crying first."

"I'm not crying!"

So adorable, my daughter!

"I actually want to tell you something." I announced.

She lifted her head and stares and me with her teary eyes.

I wiped her tears and caressed her silver hair, "Since you have become Sir Brahm's trainee, you are considered a knight-in-training of Castellanos. So, you're allowed to enjoy the festival, except for the parade."

She was frozen for a moment, and the next second she nodded excitedly, "THAT'S FINE! I don't care about the parade!"

"Are you happy now?"

"Very, very, very! Thank you Papa! You are the best Papa ever!" she exclaimed.

I nodded in agreement, "Alright now—"

She cut my words by pecking my cheek.

"I'm going to go now! Bye Papa!"

My baby is so cute!!! I almost got a heart attack!

That night, Alethea screamed.

She was happy to found a violin lying on her bed.

"M-Milady! Can we come in?!" the knights outside worried.

"Sure! Come in!"

They were shocked to see Alethea jumping on the bed while holding a strange shaped wood.

"Young Miss, please come down or you will fall!"

Later, Elle and Ella rushed inside.

"Sirs, you can come out. We'll handle Young Miss."

The knights left the room and closed the door.

"Elle, Ella! Where were you?!?!"

Elle sighed, "Milady, we just walked until the hallway and had to comeback! Do you know how worried we were when hearing your scream?"

Ella nodded in agreement, "Milady, you also jumped on the bed! What if your dress got swiped up and the knights can see your legs?!"

"Aye, both of you worry too much!"

"I'll request to Duke Castellanos to arrange new pair of knights tomorrow." Elle ignored her.

"Come on, can I not be happy? See, my father gave me a new violin~"

Alethea saw the brand name carved at the back, "Stravinsky. HOLY SHIT?! THIS IS THE VIOLIN MADE BY THE EMPEROR'S PERSONAL CRAFTSMAN! This is very expensive!"

Ella giggled at her master's cuteness, "Congratulations, Milady~!"

"Huaaaa! Papa is the best!!!"

Original work by Jia,

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