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Hello, Jia here

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Hello, Jia here. In this extra chapter, I'll give a quick explanation about soulbound.

Feel free to read or ignore this chapter. But plese refer to this chapter just in case you want to know more about soulbond.

In chapter 1-1, I explained briefly like this:

Human was constructed with spiritual and physical element. The skin covered body is the physical, while the spiritual element is the mana covered soul. It's possible to create harmony between both elements, though it's not an easy thing to strengthen it.

As this world is more complex than ordinary one because it involves magic, I thought that it would make sense to make it like that.

Physical body (physical element) protected someone from physical threats. While mana and your soul (spiritual element) protected someone from magical or mystical threats.

But, both cannot be controlled consciously. Without soulbond, you can only focus one at a time.

Another explanation I wrote in chapter 1-1:

The common way to call the bond is soulbond. It required dedication and patience to train soulbond to a decent level.

So, soulbond is a bond. Not a power. Not the soul itself. It is a connection.

Let's continue:

To achieve a successful link between physical and spiritual element, one needed to have a good and sufficient balance between the elements to proceed the bonding process.

What I had in mind about the sign of when someone successfully linked their soul is getting a dream of meeting themselves that's surrounded by the color of their aura.

So, if someone succeeded in linking physical and spiritual element, they would have the dream and know the color of their aura.

Keep in mind that aura is colored mana.

[Trivia: the color of aura helps in finding a match. Usually, when parents are going to marry their children off, they would find partners with suitable aura for the children. It is believed that people with matching aura (like blue and green or red and purple) will have a long lasting relationship.]

Alright, back to soulbond.

Before someone could achieve soulbond, they needed to train hard.

Originally, people would train one by one. Five days of training body, five days of meditation, five days of physical activities, five days of meditation.

It works for some of the achievers, but it required a long time.

The third Emperor of Zavelanos came up with an idea of strengthening one element to a certain point. After that, the chosen element would be infused at the other ones until it eventually lead to the dream.

Many achievers of soulbond have proven his idea successful. Mages usually strengthen their spiritual elements. On the other hand, it's swordsmen that focused on the physical aspect.

What I imagined would happen during the infusion process was:

For those who focused on physical
1) Lay down
2) Close eyes
3) Look at the void until the body relaxes
4) Tense as much muscles as possible, until there is reflection of inner human flesh
5) Command the brain to absorb its force
6) Once there is mental reaction (a color appeared out of nowhere), then the soulbond has successfully been achieved

For those who focused on spiritual
1) Stand up
2) Close eyes
3) Look at the void until the reflection of soul and mana appear
4) Mana will appear invisible, so there will only be white mist in a shape of human (soul)
5) Command the brain to absorb th soul
6) Once there is physical reaction like flinching, and a spark of color (their aura) it means soulbond has successfully been achieved

Quick explanation before we move on.

Physical strength is contributed by muscle and force. While spiritual strength is made by soul and mana. In other words, soul is like a spiritual muscle.

Move on to the journey.

Beginner's journey would begin at rank zero of first level. At this point, they would see their aura once, through dream or infusion. Afte that, the aura would not be seen. The mana will be invisible.

The ability of this level is limited power transmission between body and soul or the other way around.

As level increased (look at the brown arrow), the limit to transmit power gradually increases.

Advancement from level to level is called breakthrough. In the breakthrough period, people will be unconscious. The time depends on how strong the magic that triggers the breakthrough.

Example: getting hit in the shoulder triggers X to have a breakthrough. As it wasn't a serious problem, X would probably be unconscious for ten minutes.

There are four levels of soulbond that is known by humans. Well, universe is large, who knows if there is actually higher level of soulbond.

Within the levels, there are ranks.

Advancement from rank to rank is called spark. That's because someone would see a spark of their aura during the rank improvement.

The journey is summarized in the picture.

Correction though, I wrote "MANA TAKES FORM AS FAINT MIST" in the second level box. What I actually meant was, it takes form as a mist with the color of aura, but it was very faint.

Another one at third level box. What I actually meant was "MANA TAKES FORM AS DARKER MIST". So, the mana will take form as darker mist but in the shade of the aura color.

Spark of red (during dream or infusion)
Invisible (first level)
Spark of red (during rank advancement)
Faint red mist (second level)
Spark of red (during rank advancement)
Dark red mist (third level)
Spark of red (during rank advancement)
Red colored light (fourth level)

I made Alethea (Juyeon) achieve the highest soulbond because she has a strong soul. Trained to lose precious things. Has experienced betrayal, has transmigrated to another world.

I personally think that a soul could've shattered when it's moving to another world. That's why I thought that Alethea (Juyeon) is strong enough to stay sane after being transmigrated.

Alethea rolled her eyes, "Sane, she said."

Jia awkwardly excused herself before she got slaughtered by fierce-looking Alethea.

Original work by Jia,

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