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Spring 17, 881

The situation in the dining room was lively now that there are Duke Franklin Kallis, Yzion Kallis, Rafael Laskaris, and Azeil Laskaris. Usually, only Alethea and her father that would eat here.

"Now that I take a look closer, all of you have grown into prominent young men." Duke Ares praised the young men.

Azeil shook his head, "We still have a lot of things to learn."

"Why busy praising other's children? Look at your own. She bloomed into a fine lady."

Alethea who heard this shook her head immediately.

Duke Ares proudly stared at his daughter, "Of course I do. Like, everyday."

"Say, Alethea. Have you taken a liking into one of the young lad here?"

"She's still too young, Frank." Duke Ares replied instead.

"Father is right." she gave him her reply.

Duke Franklin laughed a little, "Just want to let you know that you're welcomed to be a part of—"

"Father, stop." his son, Yzion cut his words.

Alethea ignored the whole commotion and just cutting her steak. Once she cut them perfectly, she switched her plate with Rafael's that sat beside her.

Azeil caught her gesture, and so was Yzion.

Rafael looked at Alethea in confusion.

"You're still growing, do eat a lot." Alethea smiled at him.

Looking at her interaction with his brother, Azeil felt warm inside. There was also a spark of feeling that he wanted to be the one treated that way.

When he realized his own thoughts, he immediately shook his head and continued to eat his steak.

Meanwhile, Yzion looked carefully at Alethea.

How come?

His thoughts wander in confusion. There was no sign of viciousness in her act, yet he still felt weird.

Duke Ares who also caught the act suddenly smiled proudly. How nice. His daughter really changed to be better.

They ate in silence.

Suddenly, Alethea stopped.

"Alea, what's wrong?"

She didn't reply and just left the dining hall.

Duke Ares was about to rise, but Azeil spoke, "Duke Castellanos, I will check on Young Lady Castellanos."

"Yzion, come with him, just in case."

Yzion nodded and rose from his seat.

Duke Ares sighed, "Thanks."

The maids saw Alethea coming to the outside, and immediately joined the Young Misters to chase her.

"Let's just go back." Yzion suggested.

"What if something happened?"

"Where could she possibly be? Do you forget whose child she is? Look at that ridiculously skilled guards. She will be fine."

Azeil sighed, "Where are your manners?"

"Talk about manner when you're so naive."

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