Chapter 10: Gift

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Everybody passed out after the party. Well everybody except 2 ladies in the room. Viper was drunk and was resting on the couch, while Sage was cleaning the mess.

"Hey Sage you sure you don't need help?" Viper asked offering to help her clean.

"Nah it's all right... You just enjoy Birthday Girl ^‿^", Sage replied, putting the stuff back to there proper places.

"You can go sleep. After a long day you'd be exhausted" Sage added

Viper said, "Nah I'm fine, i slept on the flight...will wait for you"

Viper laid down and stared at the roof while listening to relaxing music on her phone. She appeared to be deep in thought. She was reviewing the entire day. Unconsciously, a little smile appeared on her face.

Sage was looking at her from the side and she was glad looking at her expression ' It was worth it!!'

After half an hour Sage was finally over with her work.

Viper looked at the time and remembered the time they spent together on the balcony. (Chap 2)

"Come with me Sage" Viper held Sage hand and took Sage with her.

They were again at the balcony, Sage too remembered the night and said " Ha this place..." with a faint smile.

The scene was almost the same though this time the waves were calm and the environment was too silent that it bothered Viper.

"This silence...i hope it's not the Calm before a storm" Viper spoke, turning the radio on her phone.

"Yup let's hope not" Sage said looking at Viper in the eye.

Then Viper start sharing some funny anecdotes from the mission. They shared a good laughter.

Finally all the talking died down, they were looking at the scenery though most of it was dark.

Then Viper asked "Where's my gift?"


"My gift? You're not gonna give one?"

" You're not satisfied with the party?"

"That was from the whole team... I'm talking about a present by you" Viper said with a smirk

'Shit i couldn't buy one...i was just too busy...what do I do' Sage thought. She looked at the time and said, "What do you want? It's 23:56... three minutes and some seconds are left before your birthday is over"

"Haha so you forgot huh"

"I'm sorry (-_-;)"

"It's alright I was just kidding"

"No No just tell me what do you want? I'll get it tomorrow"

"What i want..." Viper fell in her thoughts. Sage was still looking at her with a determined face

 Viper eventually sighed and cupped one of Sage's hands in hers, looking her in the eyes.

What Viper said next, Sage would have never expected....

"I want you to Go on a date with me!"

It was 23:59, Viper has finally proposed to her love
Sheeeesh finally progress!!!! Viper has proposed to Sage...

I'm sorry for the short chapter... i really just wrote it 1-2 hrs before uploading yeah there are no I'm sorry for all the mistakes and grammatical error.

I really want to write the date chap as a new that's why i ended it here... i was thinking of writing their first meeting but felt like to save it for later. So Again I'm sorry

And also seriously thank you guys for reading my story!!

Also the next chapters may come out late so sorry in advance

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