Chapter 6: Morale

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"Viper and Sage, just the people I was looking for" It was Brim, their commander it looked like he needed something from them." Follow me to the Conference Room we have got a urgent situation

Inside the hall, they followed the Big Man. Cypher and Reyna were already there, speaking, and they exchanged a brief nod of greeting. Sage and Viper also sat on the chair waiting for Their Commander to start the meeting.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get this briefing started," Brimstone stated.

"So what's the urgent situation that you were talking about" Sage asked.

"So, Cypher has seen a lot of movement in Bind, and we suspect Kingdom bastards are up to something," Brim added, gesturing to the Map projection. "So I'm thinking about sending out a three-person squad to spy and, if necessary, act."

"and....who will be the three musketeers?" Reyna questioned.

"I'm thinking of You as the main damage dealer, Cypher for collecting data and reporting to the HQ  and Viper as the Team leader. You guys will be staying there for fortnight." Brimstone suggested.

The team replied, "Sure, finally I'll be able to devour some new souls","Roger","Ok"

Sage asked "What about me?"

"As for you, Sage, I have a meeting with Higher Ups and won't be around for a few weeks, and Viper will also be on a mission, so you'll be acting head during this time. Sorry for the additional labour." Brim replied with 😅 expression. (A.N.:- I tried my best to describe but couldn't).

"It's alright I'll do it" Sage assured.

"Ok then three of you can leave,you have 2 hours to pack things up before leaving. Sage you stay behind I have to explain you the work."

Three of them left leaving behind Brim and Sage in the room. For a while Brim explained all the work and stuff to Sage.

"Hmmm...I believe we should do something to boost Team Morale as well. As you can see, we've all been too busy with the mission recently, and it's been affecting the mood." Brim suggested.

"You are right I've noticed it too and was going to bring it up later" Sage agreed

"So, can you come up with anything to do about it, like throw a party? game? anything?" Brim had inquired.

"Well i do have a idea, how about a two-day vacation " Sage replied

"Mm, I'll have to think about it...and find a suitable site, and finish the work so we can have days off.. ugh, what a drag," Brim grumbled.

Sage was brainstorming new ideas when she suddenly remembered something she had read earlier in the day. She began "The vacation will take place after you and the others return, so it will take a long time. So I was thinking that because Viper's birthday is coming up in two weeks, we should have a little party for her. It also happens to coincide with her return from the mission, so it'll be a pleasant surprise for her. What are your thoughts?"

"That's a fantastic idea. We should go ahead and do it... You may begin planning the celebration and enlist the support of others as needed "With a grin on his face, the American answered.

After discussing about it for a few more minutes they both left the room.

Sage went to Jett room to ask her help but she turned away after hearing  muffled moans from her room. "Ahem..., I don't think i should disturb their...umm "hanky panky"? ,no!!!  "hot yoga" "


The squad has assembled in the hangar, ready to board their mission flight. Sage and Brim were also present to bid them farewell.

Reyna could be spotted napping inside the cockpit. She wasn't the sort to get up early, so she was still sleeping when Brim woke her up and now is completing the rest which was disturbed.On the other side Lady with short hair was looking at the tablet in her hand, maybe something related to the research.

"Heyyy-lo Ms. Scientist," the Moroccan said with an Arabic accent as he approached her. At those comments, Viper turned to the guy, a great broad grin visible through his mask, and asked, "What do you want?, Cypher," in her ever so cold tone.

"You had a good sleep yesterday right?" Cypher continued, oblivious to the tone because he understands her frigid demeanour.

"What?" Viper murmured, his gaze fixed on the tablet, oblivious to what Cypher was saying.

"Well, you had a 'good time' with our healer yesterday, so I figured you'd got some rest as a result."

Viper was taken aback by the comment, and her entire attention was drawn to the man. She could readily visualise the cheeky grin behind the mask, even though his whole face was covered by the mask.

Viper has regained her composure. "What exactly do you mean?"

"Ahh, don't play stupid now," the man said, jokingly at first, then looking her in the eyes and continuing with a serious tone, "I witnessed everything that transpired between you and Sage."

Ooooo Cypher witnessed every moment that happened yesterday night... what'll happen now, how will Viper react? We'll wait for the next chapter.

Thank you for reading the chapter. Hoping to see you again in next chapter.

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