Chapter 7: Deal

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"I witnessed everything that transpired between you and Sage. From the moment when she held your jaw like she's going to kiss you to being carried like that in her arm  i saw everything"

Cypher was waiting for Viper's response. Viper could be seen thinking about something. She stated, "Iye or Flouric Acid?"

"What?" Cypher was puzzled by the unexpected reaction and inquired.

"In which chemical do you want your bones to melt" Viper said glaring at Cypher

"Woah..Woah..Woah..Woah easy there you don't have to go this far, I'm just your simple information broker, I just came here for a deal"

Woah easy there you don't have to go this far, I'm just your simple information broker, I just came here for a deal"  

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"Yes, if you give me what I need, I'll remain quiet about you."

"And....what are you looking for?"

"Information... anything you have on her...her likes, dislikes, schedule everything," Cypher said, looking at Reyna, who was still sleeping soundly.

"And here I was thinking what will you be asking for...fine I'll provide whatever I discover on her once we come back from operation," Viper moaned at the request, laying her palm on her temple.

"It's wonderful doing business with you, and I'd want to say as a friend..Sage is single in case you didn't know, so I advise you take the know her upbringing is like that of a Saint, so love and stuff are strange feelings for her, so be patient with her....I'm rooting for you."

"Shut up, I'm not attracted to her, and if there's nothing else you want, leave." Viper hissed her cheeks slightly red.

"Ohh don't be like that accept your feelings... hehe" Cypher said leaving.

"Whatev..." Viper grumbled and started staring at her tablet again.. which she put down soon since she can't focus as her head in now full of thoughts about Sage and what Cypher said.

Sage was headed into the main hall, hoping to meet someone who might assist her with the celebration since Jett and Phoenix were busy with their 'business.' She discovered the techie couple lounging on the sofa in the hall.

"Yo sage!", Raze calls out to her. KJ shakes her hand toward Sage as her mouth is full of cereals. "Geez, you're doing work first thing in the morning?" Raze says, looking at the binder in her hand.

Sage responds with a tiny chuckle, "It can't be helped."

"So, what are you up to? Are you still having check-ups?" German eventually gulped down all of the additional food that Raze had put(forced) into her mouth.

"No, that's taken care of...right now I'm searching for somebody to assist me throw a party...and I believe you two are great for it, so you up for it?" Sage inquired as she approached them.

"Sure," Kj replied, as Raze leapt to her feet, a bright smile on her face, and exclaimed, "A party!!?" Noice! When is it going to happen? and for what purpose? Is it possible that Christmas has come early in this God-forsaken world... Finally, something that isn't monotonous... I'm not exaggerating when I say that you've arrived at the best party planner!" Raze bragged, while every syllable was dripping with enthusiasm.

Kj also stood up and 'bonked' her over-excited girlfriend "Mein Gott Calm down You're scaring everyone... Anyway Sage so when is the party and for what?"

Sage was charmed by the cute display of the couple in front of her. Imagining someone hitting her lightly in the same way when she's acting off. "It'll be on XX next week, and it's Viper's birthday celebration, a surprise birthday party to be exact."

"Oooo Surprise party yay! Babe you should learn from Sage...see how she is planning a surprise party for her 'love' and then there's you, ughh! in any case Sage I never knew you liked Viper mmhmm Great choice!' Raze sneered and winked at Sage.

"L-Lo-Love??! What are you talking about? No-No-No-No-No What?!" Sage was taken aback by the unexpected comment, shaking her head vehemently in denial.

"Well, you're secretly preparing a party for her, while we rarely do it for other agents, so I figured it was 'special,' and perhaps you're in love." Raze responded, only to be smacked once again by the German, who groaned before stating

" Tayane, you know how Sage is...she loves us all she is the literal Angel...well can be the Grim Reaper in Matches sometime *chuckle*....

Even new recruits refer to her as 'Motherly,' so do you think she'll prefer one over the other?"
(A.N. :- Tayane is Raze real name)

"Well you're right I agree but she can be in love too you know she's still a human so i was just confirming it" Raze said still patting her head.

"No No, it's not like that... it's just a means to increase Team Morale," Sage clarified, attempting to dispel any misunderstandings.

"See? Dummkopf..." Kj remarked something to which Raze responded with an irritated frown.

After that, they just sat down to plan the party, but were distracted by another amusing anecdote shared by the couple.... and the room was now filled with laughter.

I'm trying to develop more like make them accept (not the right word) their feeling toward other but don't want it to be so fast hence I'm taking it slow.
My entrance exam dates are out... they're in 1 month so chapters can sometime be late I don't know.... Anyway thnx for reading it Peace Out (^~^;)ゞ

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