Chapter 19: Hope

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Short Recap(from ch 4): Viper pulled a prank on Sage where she acted as an intruder who was about to kill her and ask "Well, you were a respectable warrior, so let me hear your last words."

To which Sage reaction was :- Sage with a regretful smile replied, "我想被爱"[translation:- I wanted to be loved] before closing her eyes signifying she has nothing left to say and is ready to accept her death.


Valorant HQ- Medic Room

Cypher opened his eyes, his memories still fuzzy. 'What happened last, I don't remember,' he wondered, looking around, It was a familiar room; it was the medic room he has been in too many times.

He tries to move but flinches with pain. He looks down to see his wound and murmurs, "how is this not fully healed yet? Where's Sage?". On the mention of that name, everything came back to him, the mission, the trap, and Sage's sacrifice.

The weight of guilt and grief settled heavily on his chest as he remembered Sage's selfless act. He closed his eyes, feeling the loss and the burden. Cypher knew he had to find a way to honour Sage's sacrifice and take revenge on those bastards who set this trap. He blamed himself for bringing everyone into the trap. With a deep breath, he pushed himself up, determination fueling his every move. It was time to finish what they had started, for Sage and for their team.

He looks around the room to find his battle suit. Once he located his suit, Cypher wasted no time rummaging through the pockets and compartments. His fingers brushed against something metallic, and he pulled out a small device. It was a screen that contained all the recordings from the camera he placed all around the area.

He finally found the recording of the time around their retreat. He hesitated for a few seconds before playing it. As the video played, Cypher's eyes grew wider with shock and realisation. The footage revealed crucial information that could turn the tide in their favour. "I need to tell Brim," he said, rushing out towards Brim's office.






Viper enters her lab. She came here to find the recording from the time of the prank and translate it. She opens her laptop and quickly locates the file, eager to uncover her girlfriend's last wish. As she starts analyzing the footage, Viper's heart races with anticipation to uncover the truth.

She plays the recording again with live translation this time.

"Well, you were a respectable warrior, so let me hear your last words."

"I wanted to be loved"

Viper was struck by a wave of shock upon hearing her loved one's final words, her mind going blank in disbelief. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her hands trembled as she rewound the recording to hear the words again, hoping she had misheard or misunderstood. As the translated words reverberated in her mind once again, Viper was overcome by a profound sense of sorrow. . Overwhelmed by her emotions, Viper shut her laptop and remained silent, grappling with the weight of what she had just heard.

She clenched her jaw and let out few sobs " I hope I was able to make you feel loved, even though we had so little time, even though I was bad at expressing my feelings, I wi I-I-I I hope I was able to make you feel love-." *dings* a message notification interrupted her thoughts, causing Viper to jump in surprise. She quickly wiped away a tear before composing herself and checking the message on her phone.

It was from Brim. "Emergency announcement?? What now?" she thought. " It better not be about those bastards, I'm really gonna kill them in the most horrible way they can imagine."

The announcement was to assemble in the meeting room by 0420 hrs. 'I really don't wanna go there'. She despised that room after the last meeting, even when she was walking aimlessly, she unconsciously avoided that room.






Viper enters the room and looks around the room to see almost everyone has already gathered there. Following behind her, Sova also walks in."No one was able to sleep, huh?" the Russian says.

Reyna speaks next. "So why'd you call us now, old man?" she asks Brim.

"Yeah, start the meeting; it seems like everyone's here," Yoru says, to which Brim replies, "Wait, not everyone's here yet-" as he was about to complete his sentence, the gate for the room again opened, and this time it was Cypher entering while limping.

"Oh you're awake? how are you feelin'?" Skye asked Cypher as he made his way to the group. "I'm managing, just a little sore. Sorry, I was out for most of it, so to make up i've got some good news you'd like to hear." he responds with a slight wince. "Let's get started with the meeting now that everyone's here," Brim suggests before anyone follows up with another question, signaling for everyone to take their seats.

"and what's the good news?" KJ asks, "It's regarding Sage." Brim replies. Viper's lifeless eyes, which were stuck to the floor until now, suddenly lit up and looked towards Brim.

"Luckily, Sage is not dead," Brim reveals, causing a wave of confusion to wash over the group. "Cypher's hidden cameras showed that they haven't killed Sage as we thought, but rather they took her somewhere. It seems like she is being kept prisoner or worse as a lab rat," he continues, as everyone's attention becomes focused on him. Viper's eyes widen in disbelief as the news sinks in, bringing a sense of hope that they may be able to rescue their friend after all. The mood in the room shifts from worry to determination as they begin to strategize their next steps.


Hey everyone, it's been a long time since ch 17, so i tried to post atleast these 2 chap as soon as possible so this chap may seem like a bit of a rush job. Once again really thank you for reading this and do keep supporting (by likes and comments; they really motivate me :D) me thnx.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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