Baby's Coming

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*Nash's POV*
I picked up Kian and Jc and headed off to the store. We went inside and looked at cribs and all that stuff.
"Look at this one over here! It has flamingos on it!"
"Ew, dude no." I laughed and Kian did too.
"When is the baby due?" Jc asked.
"Any day now. The doctor said 2 weeks, but I guess at 9 months its any day."
"Dude!! Thats awesum!! Are you excited!?"
"Of course! Its just..."
"Your nervous." Kian said.
"Dont be! We got your back!"
"Thanks dudes."
"Ooh! Look at this crib!" Jc pointed out.
"Thats perfect!"
The crib was pink with fairies on the bedding part. It also came with some toys hanging from up top with a star, wand, a fairy, and a crown.
"This is adorable!" Jc said.
"Lets get it!" I told him.
*Crystal's POV*
Mahogany and I picked up Jenn and Andrea on the way here, so that they can help me pick out clothes. We went to the mall to look at some baby clothes. They were some cute ones. First, I had to buy onesies, pacifiers, and diapers. I picked up some of those and was about to leave until a cute little dress caught my eye.
"Mahogany! Jenn! Andrea! Look!"
I found a cute pink zebra print dress. It was fluffy too. I had to get it. I got the dress and payed for it.
"Its so small, sparkly, and fluffy!" Andrea said.
"I love it! Its adorable!" Jenn said. I was in love with the dress.
"Woah! I think she agreed!" I said laughing. I told the girls to put their hands on my stomach. The baby was kicking. We did a little more shopping for the baby, then started heading home. I texted Nash.
Me: babe i'm heading home.
My Love💐💍💕: Ok babe
*Nash's POV*
"Everything ready?"
"Yea!" The rest of the guys were here. Aaron came and helped with stuff too, since he went to his hometown for the spring.
"She's coming!!!!" Cameron said.
Everyone went upstairs except for me. I stayed out in the front and also acted like nothing was going on. I saw how she was struggling with bags so I went outside to help.
"Hi babe." I said kissing her.
"Hey honey. I bought baby clothes for the baby."
"I wanna see!!"
"In a minute! Lemme go upstairs."
We both went inside and went upstairs. I opened the door and the boys all yelled SURPRISE!!!!
"OH MY GOD!!!"
*Crystal's POV*
I went upstairs with Nash and was surprised to a new crib for the baby!
"Oh my god. It-its beautiful!!" I said in tears.
"Perfect." Nash said smiling. The baby was starting to kick.
"She's happy." I said smiling.
"Its a fairy theme, since the baby is a girl and I thought- babe? Are you ok!?"
All of a sudden, I was getting super strong stomach pains.
"Nash!!!!" I screamed.
"Lets help her! Nash! Keep her company!" Matt screamed.
"Shawn, call 911, Carter get towels just in case, Aaron, hold her hand, Jc and Kian watch for the ambulance outside. GO! GO!" Matt yelled.
All of a water broke.
"THE BABY IS COMING!!!!" I screamed in pain.
The baby is coming!! Which means the name I will pick will be announced tomorrow!! I'm so sorry about not updating. Please understand, i've been busy with school, but i try to update as soon as i can. LOVE YOU GUYS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ALMOST 500 VIEWS!!! HALFWAY TO 1K!!!!

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