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Pierre looked in the bathroom mirror, his purple eyebags mocking him in his reflection. He hadn't slept a wink after reading Alberto's love confession of paper and ink. He felt his heart flutter to a stop and sighed into the open space. They seemed like they went together, like a puzzle piece.

Luca knocked on the door and Pierre invited him inside, both boys looking rather sheepish from last night's off-feeling fiasco. Luca looked up and noticed he had a small frown on his lips again and shook his head with a tut.

"What, you gonna kiss me now to make me feel better?" Pierre chuckled.

Luca looked to the ground and shuffled his feet. He closed the door behind him and picked up the purple toothbrush that rested on the shelf next to the washbasin. He tiredly picked up the toothpaste and squirted a generous amount onto the bristles. "Sorry." Luca tiredly said to Pierre, "I shouldn't have kissed you. I didn't know it was a romantic thing for humans."

Pierre felt his lungs give in and his eyes start to burn. "N-no. It's okay. I liked it." Pierre tried to comfort himself. Luca looked at him with a sad expression.

"Alberto told me about how humans kissed each other to show them that they love them. That wasn't what I was doing... When sea monsters kiss each other's gills it's supposed to be comforting. We don't feel any love from it, only that someone cares about us and makes sure that we are okay." Luca said, feeling himself get more distraught from the situation.
He quickly shoved the brush into his mouth and started to scrub his teeth.

Pierre walked from the bathroom feeling almost nothing. He was losing to this scrap of a man! Both of them craved Luca's attention and love, and they were fighting to the death for it. Pierre had his fists and a dull butter knife while Alberto was loaded with sharp fangs and talons that could pierce through the other faster than his weapon could cut through warm butter.

He went back to his room and screamed into his pillow. All he's wanted since he's moved to Genova was Luca Paguro. And he was so close to getting him, so close to holding him, dating him possibly. Now that is ruined, like most things in his life were.

weeks later

Breakfast was incredibly quiet, and for once Pierre was grateful that Alberto could keep his mouth shut for more than ten seconds. They were seated at a small, round table with a flower in a mason jar acting as the centerpiece. Luca was still asleep, weirdly.

"I read your letter." Pierre said, staring at Alberto, "And you're being so obvious about it, it's like you don't even need the letter. You're already bursting at the seams about to tell him that you love him."

Alberto seemed to freeze. His eyes contorted from rage to fear, and he looked around rapidly. "What? That letter wasn't by me." Alberto blurted out. His mouth quickly moved to that crooked grin Pierre always saw around Luca. Pierre raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Until then, Alberto," Pierre said, lowering his eyebrow. Alberto's grin remained.

"I was drunk, Amico!" Alberto laughed, "Even I have no idea what I wrote! Besides, it doesn't matter that you know I like-"

"Mattina..." Luca said groggily, rubbing his eyes. Alberto snapped his mouth shut and looked to Pierre in fear when Pierre smiled evilly. "Hey, Luca, Al and I were just talking about you!" Pierre called. Alberto slammed his palms on the table and looked into Pierre's eyes.

"È fantastico, piccola," Luca replied sleepily. He looked at Alberto and walked behind him. Luca put his arms around Alberto's neck loosely and rubbed his cheek on his curls. Alberto's and Pierre's faces went red at this. "P-piccola?!" Pierre squeaked.

"Aw, il mio bella ragazzo pesce." Alberto cooed, rubbing Luca's cheek back with his head. Pierre coughed loudly. "What? It's about to be his time." Alberto spat at the boy across the table. Luca drifted towards the kitchen and picked up cooking utensils. While he was doing so, Alberto was glaring at Pierre.
"Who's got the problem now, ragazzo pesce?" Pierre laughed.

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