The Big Day

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It was finally my wedding day. The last day of being an ordinary teenage girl-and the beginning of being a strange one, well, at least in my opinion. My wedding gown was a white-laced Swarovski gown. My shoes were deep red pumps and my make-up was a summer look make-up. Everything around was simple as I requested, yet gorgeous and sophisticated as it should be. The setting was modern but the ceremony was a Traditional Chinese wedding ceremony.
While walking down the aisle, I glanced at the guests and noticed their big smiles. Everybody was happy except me. They were all in mode of excitement while I was in a tone of nervousness. But I could say, I played my role really well! I was able to fake a smile and laugh at those people who talked to me. I was able to stop myself from making that very day a disastrous event and from being such a terrible bride.

While the ceremony was on going, Ivan whispered to me, "you are beautiful. The most beautiful bride I've ever seen" I remained pokerface and didn't even make an effort to answer him back.
The event went on until the most awaited kiss the bride thing. He kissed me on the cheek instead that made a lot of the guests a bit smirky? whatever.

So, after the kiss, we exited the other side of the garden area and proceeded to the reception that was just on the other part of the garden. We sliced and ate a piece of red cake which looked like a bloody nine-layer- cake. We also led the wine drinking. When the food was being served, and I was waiting on our table, Ivan grabbed my hand and we walked in a maze-like area. No one was in there and I felt tensed. I remembered Cate's warning. But to make it less complicated, I managed to be calm.
"Thank you for cooperating, Beatriz Tam-Lin" he smiled.
"I'm not doing this for free" I chuckled "you gotta do what you promised in return" I replied.
"Oh, yeah! Of course. You better conserve your energy so we can talk later at night. Hmm?" He reminded.
"Sure" I gave him my warmest smile.
Before we could leave, the photographer came to us and requested us to strike a romantic pose. I panicked-what pose? My goodness! The good thing was, Ivan coached me on what to do. He told me to smile at the camera as beautiful as I can and he would do the rest. He back-hugged me with our hands together in front of my tummy, holding the tulip bouquet I used earlier. 1 2 3! The shoot was done, we can now be free again.

We went back to the reception area and ate together with the guests. Simple yet touching messages from the chosen people and gifts were given by the family of the groom. Cate and Bella were there with their spouses, Stacey as well, my other relatives-those I've never seen during my childhood. All in all, it was a pleasant ceremony. A peaceful event between me and my mum.

"Hi!" My mum grabbed the microphone and spoke. "I would like to express my deepest thanks to you all who are able to make it here. Thank you for witnessing this very special moment in my daughter's life. Oh, to my daughter, Bea. Honey, I know this won't be easy for the both of you. Specially you, but I'd like you to know that we, your parents are always here to help you in every step of the way. Bea, truly, you are a kid no more. And I'm overjoyed to see you become a young-fair-lady."
she started getting teary eyed as she went on.
"You've always been such a nice person to me and your dad. I hope that you continue to become the best person you could ever be with your husband. Forever will I love you, bubba. No matter what and no matter how old you are, you will always be our baby."
Everyone laughed while tears were on their eyes. I didn't know if I or not should cry because we've never been like this before. I, never ever saw my mother became this nice to me. But anyways, I did my responsibility as a child- I stood up and gave my parents a big-tight hug. Everyone applaud.

When the day was over, it was only Ivan and I at the hotel in Bondi beach. I was on the bed, wearing my casual wear: plain black shirt and denim shorts. Lying in there and looking up at the ceiling was all I did. While my husband, on the couch wearing his usual get up: V's and knee length shorts. It was the first time I knew and saw his artistic side. He was sketching something in his sketch pad. I thought of asking him about it but I was like shy? Of being the first to talk to him so I ignored him instead.

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