Coffee Talk

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I only had a couple of months left until my wedding day comes. I was getting more and more scared of what might happen. i didn't know what to expect and what to do. On this day, I had to wake up early to go to the shop and finalize my wedding gown. When i entered the shop, Andrea was sitting there waiting for me and my parents. "this will make you look more gorgeous, Bea!" She started
"May i fit it now?" I asked. then the staff came to me, "this way, ma'am"
While in the fitting room, there was just one thing on my mind "I will never ever get married to the guy of their choice."

"My daughter is just so amazing!" My dad suddenly came.
"Do you like it?" Mum asked.
"Is there something i like about this stuff?" My goodness. So, we got the gown whether I like it or not. Pure white silk with Swarovski around it and like 4 meters train. Quite long, just enough for my height 5'7.

As i rode the car, my messenger beeped. thank God my parents didn't notice it. i forgot to turn it in silent. A message from Ivan, "your gown suits you."
"Wth, ivan. please"
"It was nice watching you from afar. Lol"
"Where are you?"
"Here. in my car. Don't worry. no one knows I'm here"

Before we left the place, mum asked if it's fine with me to stay at the shop for a little longer because they gotta talk to someone. I said yes! Of course. Anywhere as long as away from them.
When they left, I then entered the shop. 5 more minutes, Ivan came to me smiling. "Hi!"
"Why are you still here?"
"Breaking traditions?" We both smiled.
"Can we go somewhere else? Just not here" he whispered.
"My parents will be back here"
"I will bring you here later"
I didn't know why I said yes. all i was thinking wad "i wanna get out of here"

We went to a coffee shop for rich people. a very expensive place to be in. he bought me a large cup of mocha latte, my favorite. i didn't know how he knew it's what i like. we sat at the corner, seems to be like a place for hiding people. i was nervous at the very moment, and I'm sure he was too. While having a drink, I stared at his face and noticed how perfect his facial structure is. plus, his light brown hair gives him a more masculine look. His nose, oh, his nose. I cam't imagine how the kiss's gonna be. Or we'll be doing the nose to nose instead? His actions are very gentle and smooth- really formal and decent. I stared at my drink when he looked at me. from his reflection on my cup, I saw that he smiled but i didn't know why.

"Can I ask you something? A favor actually" he asked
"Can we be friends?"
"Wouldn't it be nice if we become friends before we get married? I mean no harm. don't worry. it's just that I know this is tough for you, for us. that's why i'm trying to help you in some ways I can" I smiled. Felt relieved with his words.
"I think so" I hesitated.
He chuckled "keep calm, no pressure"

At night, I went to my bed early because I had a long and tiring day. I was convinced by Ivan's kind attitude that things will be alright. i was just too shy to show him that I appreciate his help.

Before I slept I opened my messenger and saw his latest. "i enjoyed spending time with you, Bea :)"
"A pleasure of mine" I replied.

Ivan is 20, matured enough for his age which is nice for me. Coz you know? Older guys have higher chance of being able to handle a girl compared to others. I'm not mean just because i don't like him but because i'm scared for myself and that's it. so please, don't judge me as if I'm the meanest girl ever.

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