At Devon Dream

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We were still sitting- awkward silence all over the room. Stacey came to us, "I'm going to Devon Dream. Who's coming?" She asked while checking if the air conditioners were turned on.
"Me!" I raised my hand as if I was at school-saying 'present'
"Where is Devon Dream?" Ivan asked indirectly so I didn't know if I would answer or Stacey would.
"It's a luxurious spa. Uhm, just like 2 miles away" Stacey answered with a smile on her face.
"Oooh. I see!" Ivan replied
"What about you?" She walked to us and leaned forward with her hands on the table.
Ivan looked at me and raised an eyebrow-a look that was like asking my permission. I nodded at him. Of course! It would be offensive if I won't.
"Let's go!" Stacey invited. We all then went out of the cafe and rode the car. Stacey, the driver. Me, at the back beside Ivan. We rode Stacey's deep red convertible Mercedes Benz which was given to her by her dad. So far, it was the most comfortable Car I've ever been. I could stay here forever!

While the song Close Your Eyes by Michael Bublè was playing, Stacey lowered the volume and raised her thought "guys, would it be fine if you stay at the lobby while I'm talking to the branch manager for some deals?"
Ivan looked at me.
"Oh, no worries, Bubba" I said.

When we got at the Devon Dream, Stacey introduced us to the receptionist who looks exactly like Anne Hathaway. "Hi Audrey! I'd like you to meet my friends, Bea and Ivan." The receptionist smiled at us and we smiled back. "Hi! Nice to meet you" I returned.
"They would be staying here at the lobby while I'm talking to Mr. Graystone" Stacey informed her in a very professional tone.
"All right! Mr. Graystone is upstairs, Stacey. Waiting for you"
"Guys, just tell Audrey of you need anything okay? I'll go now."

When Stacey left, the crew offered us some fresh Strawberry Milkshake. Ivan got one and passed it to me. And another for himself. While we were sitting comfortably, Audrey came to us "hi! Would you like to go to our garden?" She asked.
"Sure!" I smiled at her and gulped my milkshake. She led us to the garden. Such a beautiful-wondrous place!
"Thanks, Audrey!" I said.
"You're welcome, Bea. Just give me a nudge if you need something." then she left

"This is wonderful!" Ivan looked at me and smiled brightly. The green grass looks perfect, the trees either and their flowers as well. Red, orange, pink, white, yellow-light and bright. All these things were lovely.
"I wasn't expecting this. It's been only 4 months since the last time we went here" I said while looking at the field.
"You've always been here?"
"Before. before thousands of things came her way. When we still had the chance to spend time with each other."
"You adore her that much. Don't you?" He totally turned to me-facing me closely.
"Who doesn't? She's always been the best. She's always the better. And amazing." I started walking around.
"Like, after 6-hour class, she goes straight to the cafe, spends 2 hours reading and answering all the mails from their constituents. Then at 6:30 pm at Pillar Hotel for most likely 2 and a half hours to assist her mum. She's amazing and unbelievable! Isn't she?" I looked at him, trying to figure out what he's thinking.
"She is. Everyone is the best. But of course, not in the same level. And not compared to others but to ourselves alone. Stop comparing yourself to them. They were born to be like that, you were born to be like this. We were made to be unique. Get it?" He spoke like a lawyer who's in the middle of the hearing. straight, confident and firm. I was flabbergasted. I didn't know what else to say. He got a point there. You shouldn't compare two or more uniquely crafted things.
"So, what are you trying to say?" I asked just to know what else is on his mind. He's brilliant. I've never had someone told me those things.

"What I'm saying is that, your standards of being the best person must be based on the things you were destined. If you were destined to be a doctor, then be the best doctor. Have compassion and love for others."
He put his hands on his waist and shot me with his sharp look. Then he smiled.
"And I'm talking to much again." he zipped his lips which made me laughed but I managed to control it. "so, I'll shut up now"
"No" I said shaking my head. "it was brilliant. Great!" I smiled at Ivan to show how I appreciate his ideology.
He jogged to one of the red flowers in the field and picked one. The flower was radiant but sadly, I didn't know what it's called. He ran to me and put the flower on my left ear.
"What are you doing?" I was shocked, shaky and curious.
He smiled and said, "gorgeous!" He got his phone from his pocket and looked at me.
"My goodness, Ivan--"
"Just shhhh. 1 2 3... smile!" My gee! He took a photo of us and bloody! He just made funny facial poses! Lol. Selfie it is. I couldn't help myself from laughing coz I never Thought that he can be that funny.

It was more than an hour already, Stacey wasn't around yet and I was so hungry. I crossed my finger-wishing she comes at any time by now. But then it was Ivan who invited me to go and grab some snacks. His hand was on his tummy as it sounded like a whale. We unintentionally looked at each other and laughed.
"There" he said. pointing straight to the direction of the grilled barbecues. Smelled yum! Really.
"How much?" He asked the Filipina-looking vendor.
"3 bucks" the woman answered.
"Do you it this?" He asked me.
"Barely" I answered.
"Ok. So, give me 7"
Wait. whaaat? Seriously? 7 barbecues? Woaw. Ok, so he handed me a stick and convinced me to eat it.
"Come on? It's great!" trying his best to make me eat this thing. so not to offend him, I tried with a small bite.
"Add some vinegar." he poured some on my paper case. Again, I ate it.
"This is absolutely good!" I said. I've never tried it yet tho Ana, our Filipina maid cooked it several times.
"Here's more. I knew you'll like it that's why I bought a lot."
"No. It's too much, Ivan"
"Take it!"
So I took the 2 remaining and ate it while we waited for Stacey to come.

It was fun! You know? The whole time with Ivan was nothing but a comfortable moment. It felt inexplicably light.

Finally, Stacey came. We then rode and left the spa. While driving, she smelled my hair when I flipped it.
"Smoke. uh?"
"The whole place smelled because of the smoke from the griller." I defensively explained. I didn't want to tell her that we ate there because she's gonna pique for not being given some. (I would definitely give her some if it wasn't a treat from Ivan)

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