24 Hours

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I and Stacey left home at 4 in the morning so we can get to Bondi early and of course, enjoy watching the sunrise. Sunrise is just one of the million things we both love. that's what I think why we are friends. Yet, have thousands of things that do not compliment with each other's choice.

Finally, we arrived at Bondi beach! Mmmmm! I can smell the salty aroma of the sea and hear the roars. The sun was up and brightly shone. Such a perfect moment to start a great day. i couldn't stop my heart. It was thumping so so so. As we walked to the hotel, our friends started waving their hands. It was Randy who first came to us and gave us such a tight embrace.

"How was it all the way here?" He asked.

"It was great! We loved catching the sun for a perfect photo though a bit challenging" i said. then the three of us laughed. "But I enjoyed twisting my body coz it's worth it" I added.

"Let's proceed to the diner. they are all waiting for us" Randy invited.
We had a great breakfast at Chelly's Diner, they served us fresh strawberry shake with a Margarita twist, steak-flavored pizza, veggie burger and gelato! Wooow! This is totally perfect.

The first activity that we had was surfing. it was an unforgettable moment for each and everyone of us because we were all able to do special surfing tricks. Next was diving. I just loved the fish down there, so colorful- so attractive and so friendly.

It took us almost half day and when most of our friends decided to have a drink for chillin', Stacey refused the offer. She doesn't drink if it's not only me and her. why? Because she doesn't want to lose her virginity in just a second. We both actually don't. We walked from one place to another, rode a boat to explore the nearby places, borrowed a banana boat and messed up because the boat was old and difficult to maneuver. lol. so embarrassing! We are rest assured that it wont offend some of our friends if we use this time for our bonding because they know that this doesn't usually happen.

I and Stacey had a great time together! I can say that it was the best trip we've ever had. We woke up early and slept late. And in between those times, we maximized the time that we have to explore the whole beach- danced their tribal dance, I buried her in the sand, we took all the free- tastes of each diner and just walked in the powder-white sand.

At night, we stayed at the hotel and we made a bonfire and had a bottle at the center, played spin the bottle. it wasn't about who your crush is or consequence but who ever will be pointed will have to tell the most memorable stories he/she has ever had with the group. It's gonna be a long long story if I share the whole thing, so just the remarkable one.

"I was burning the photos of my parents back then" Greg, 19, started his story.
"When a man with tough muscles came to me, he asked me
"what's wrong?" i couldn't answer because I didn't want him to hear my shaking voice. he stood there until all the photos completely turned into ashes.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him.
"i saw you from my window, up there. my first time to see you actually. but i knew something's wrong. I'm concerned for you, kid."
"What do you care?"
I'm a father, I have three sons, young sons. and as a dad, it pains me to see my children cry for some reasons, i'm here to help, to sympathize."

Greg, at an early age of 9 faced a serious family problem. He was totally abused which made him create a new story of his own life. to him, his parents are dead. he threw everything that reminds him of them. and guess what, that guy is the father of Randy, he then was adopted officially.

"Sometimes, guys, the most reason why we are broken is our family. they hurt us, they destroy us and break us into pieces. i thought those moments with them was the end of my life. until Sam reached me out and took me out of my pain. I finally found a new family. But it didn't end there. when randy asked me to join you, guys he made me realize and feel that family doesn't necessarily have to be blood-related. It's a matter of love and concern that makes us a family"

And tears just cant stop falling from our eyes.

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