My Almost Heart Attack Experience

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7 more weeks and Ms. Tam will be no more. I was totally uneasy -just trying my best to manage it coz I know that this won't help me in either ways. I spent more time at my room, being alone and enjoyed the moment with myself. Thoughts were really killing me inside. While touching my lips and telling myself "no. not at 18..." Dad suddenly knocked on the door, then opened it, "honey! We have to attend the food tasting appointment at 6 pm. wanna go with us?"
"I'm fine here. Thanks"
"Okay. just tell Ana if you want anything, huh?" He walked and kissed me good bye. It was only 2 pm when they left. I wondered if it's gonna take them 4 hours just to get there.

I know I gotta do something but I cant remember what it is. Until my phone buzzed. It was Stacey, just sent an encouraging message saying, you'll be fine. he's worth the try, baby.
"Oooh! Shiz. yeah! I have to make it up to Ivan as I promised. I said, 3 pm! But look at me, haven't even started preparing for my appointment!" Oh my goodness. I was late then. I arrived at the strange place at around 3:20 I just wore my best dress- a deep red dress that's just above the knee, sleeveless, shiny and silky and just so comfortable.

Before leaving the house, I requested Ana not to tell this to any of my parents. "of course, honey I won't. If anything bad happens, just ring me okay? You don't have to speak. Just ring and I'll know it." I gave her a very tight hug.

Stacey's driver was the one who drove me to my location. It was a restaurant. A strange one, I've never seen this even once. When I entered, I could here minimal noise. People talking. I came close to the maple wood table for two and noticed an iphone on it. It lit up, received a message. It caught my eyes then I looked away. wait! Is that...? Is that me? The photo on the phone? Jeez! It's me! But who the hell owns this? I got the phone from the table, walked to the other side of the restaurant and looked for someone. but before I could even start talking, he came and asked me, "what are you doing with my phone?" He smiled. "I thought you're not gonna come" he added.
"What the hell is my photo doing on your phone?" I angrily asked while giving him a sharp look.
He frowned and got his phone then walked to the door. I followed him and repeated my question In a higher tone.

We were at the garden which is the back part of the resto. He turned away from me, "you're not playing a trick on me, are you?" I asked. "Maybe a game? You're playing a stupid game, thinking you can play me on? Or involving me in trouble. whatever?" I consecutively asked him.
"I'm not, Bea." I can see how serious he was but ignored it and kept on being annoying.
"Do you really think I'm stupid? That you can just do whatever you want with me?" I insisted my nonsense point

He faced me finally as he spoke. "You go to the wedding, follow their every instructions and just act as normal as you could" I made a face to show him how confused I was with his means.
"You said you don't like this plan, this wedding. didn't you?" He asked while giving me a bone-penetrating look.
"I did." I said while avoiding making an eye contact
"It won't be a good idea if you will runaway. how will you do it in the first place?"
"I will just simply not go? Act like I'm sick?" I shrugged.
"How i wish you can do that" his voiced lowered and softened.
"Or just runaway the night before?"
"You are 24-hours guarded!" He laughed. "I'll repeat. You go on the wedding, and act like you know nothing about what's gonna happen."
I still don't get the point. Of course, I really am going coz as he said, I'm being guarded. So no way to escape.
"Why are you doing this? Don't say because you're breaking traditions" my voice was braver.
"I have this privilege to drive for myself on the way to the church. So instead of you, I'll be the one to runaway."
"It didn't answer my question. Why are you doing this?" Giving him a no-blink eye contact. "Because this is also what you want, right? And it makes you happy?"
"Because this is the right thing to do." His eyes darkened and his voice was filled with sadness. "I'm not happy with it. I have it already! This is the chance for me to marry the lady I've been secretly wanting for almost 9 years since our parents became really good friends. But I thought, she's too young for this. Besides, she doesn't like me" he sighed as he closed his eyes.

"Secretly wanting?" I laughed before I could even stop myself. "what do you mean? We've only met just a couple of months ago?
"I've known you for more than 8 years. you know? Every wednesday, your dad comes by for dinner or snack and he talks a lot about you- his coolest, smartest, awesomest kid. That's when I started liking you. Through his stories. For 8 years, Bea. Every wednesday"
A long moment of awkward silence. All I could hear was our breathing.
"Okay!" An energetic delivery. "I got it. I'm coming and you're not but I wont act as if I knew that there would be no wedding. Yes. So..." the moment for me was so awkward and unbelievable so I just did anything I could to end this up. "Clear!" I glanced at my wristwatch "I gotta go. Good luck to us!" I managed to fake a smile as I quickly left the place and went to the car.

Jeez! I couldn't believe those things I knew. I kept thinking about it until I arrived home.

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